Chapter 23

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Patton's pov.

As soon as I entered Virgil's room and saw what he had in his hand I knew instantly what he had been doing before I interrupted him because despite what people think I'm not that naive, I've known something has been bothering him for a while not but I've had no idea how to actually help him without smothering him.

"Kiddo do you want to talk about it?" I ask him as I continue to hold him in my arms, I knew we had to talk about this because even if it is a little hippocritical he can't just ignore what he's being doing to himself.

"No not really... I normally talk about this with Logan" he says as he slowly released himself from the hug to sit opposite me. I ignore the slight pang of jealousy over the closeness Virgil has with Logan, enought for him to be the one his son goes to when he needs help.

I start to stand as I begin to feel as thought Virgil really didn't want my company right now "Do you want me to go and get him? Or..." I said as I was about to head towards his door only to get stopped by Virgil reaching up to grab my hand  "Do you want to mabye...You know stay for awhile and play some games... Or something?"

My heart ached at the slight hint of despertness in his voice and so I sat back down with a smile as I answered "Of course kiddo! I love spending time with my dark strange son!" That caused a smile to appear on Virgil's face for what seems like the first time in ages.

Virgil stood up and made his way towards his tv and turned on the xbox underneath it 'I didn't even know he had one' and passed me a controller before turning back towards me to ask "what to try playing some minecraft?" He asked to which I quickly told him I never played

"I think you will like this game, no violence or jumpscares" I let out a sigh of relief as he diminished my slight fear at trying another horro game 'I will never forgot about the time I played five nights at that scary bears restaurant'

Once Virgil set up the game and took a seat on the floor next to me he showed me the game basics and I set off attempting this new game.


"Patton come on you have to do that if you want to get your health back, I don't have any more food" to anyone else it would sound like Virgil was getting annoyed but I could tell by the slight smirk on his face that he was having fun.

"No! It's to cute to kill, why do I have to kill this innocent little pig for food!?" I questioned slightly upset over having to kill an animal, in game or not. My question caused a laught to come from Virgil which in turn caused me to laught till we were both a pile of laughting messes I'm the floor.

We didn't know how long we had been playing minecraft for but it was long enought for someone to come looking for us as we interrupted from our laughting fits to the sound of someone knocking on the door "Storm cloud are you ok you've been in there a while also have you seen Patton anywhere?" Awww Romans nickname for Virgil was so cute!

Virgil stood up and walked towards the door to open it and let Roman inside "hello padre it's good to see your ok, what have you guys been up to?" He asked as he looked at the Controllers we both still had in our hands.

I jumped excitedly as I exclaimed "Virgil's teaching me to play minecraft! It has all these cute little animals and you can build stuff with your friends!" Virgil smiled at my enthusiasm as he walked to return to his seat beside me, Roman looked from the screen to us before asking "mind if I join you guys? I've never played and it sounds fun!"

Virgil smiled and said "yeah I'll teach you, first go ask Logan if he wished to join us" Roman bored before taking off to go look for Logan. I turned to Virgil and asked "Wait isn't dangerous for us all to be inside your room for to long?" Virgil seemed confused for a second before realisation dawned upon him

"Oh it depends on what mood I'm in according to Logan, so as long as I'm happy with you guys being in my room we should be ok" I couldn't stop smiling at that as it shows Virgil finally trust us enought to be in his room.

Roman returned a few minuets later with Logan beside him who muttered something about how it's good for us all to spend some time together especially after the week we have but I know he just wants to spend time with us, it adorable. I came to terms with my crush on Logan awhile ago but there is no way he feels the same... right?

Anyways Roman summons up two more controllers and hand then to virgils to connect them up before handing them to the other two sides "Ok guys here are the basics" virgil started as he showed Logan and Roman the Controles before starting a new world.

It has been awhile since we have all been together like this just having fun and enjoying eachother company, for the first time in a while everything felt peaceful. It was perfect.


The calm before the storm, hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter. Please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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