chapter 10

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Deciet's pov.

Remus and I had the perfect plan to get virgil back and if it manage's to destroy his relationship with two of those so called 'light sides' permenently them it would better then expected.

So here we are now sat in the front room of the 'dark sides' area of the mind palace discussion the final parts of our plan. I look over at remus to see him with his usual psychopathic smirk etched onto his face.

"Oh I can't wait to the that little emo again and drag him back like a disobedient dog on a lead!" Remus yelled already existed even thought the plan has yet to be put into action.

I roll my eyes at his excitement "i am excited as Well but we just have to wait till virgil is back in his room before I can put the plan into action, we didn't do all that sneaking around and spying for nothing after all" A smirk makes it way onto my face as I feel the joy of plan finally coming together.

I quickly stand up clapping my hands as I do "It's time to go. Let's do this."

Virgils pov.

It has been awhile since me and roman woke this morning and at first it was a little awkward but soon it became alright as we went to go greet Patton and Logan for breakfast. We all ate breakfast together as normal and talked about what we all had planned for that day, Patton will be hanging out with Thomas today watching steven universe while logan asked Roman with some help squedualing how much time Thomas should spend practising.

So that left me by myself in my room for the day just relaxing and listing to music.

It was a few hours later when I got a knock on my door and instead of answering I just yelled out "come in!"

The door opened and roman walked inside looking pretty angry, I instantly sit up and look over to him my eyes filling with concern "what's up roman? U Seem pretty upset"

Roman stormed over to my bed next to me and only seemed to get angrier at my words "You lied to us! Why didn't you tell us!" He practically screamed in my face

I was taken back a moment as I registered his words "wh-what are you talking about?" I question feeling at a complete loss to what I could of possibly lied about.

Roman just glared at me as I stuttered out the question "you never told us how much trouble you caused while you lived with the dark sides and how the practically begged you to leave them alone!"

"What are you talking about! I never- I didn't. You know nothing about my past with them!" I scream back feeling myself grow angry at the accusations thrown at me

"I talked to remus and he told me everything and I told the others and we all agree you need to leave and get away from us, go back to the dark sides where you belong!" Roman screamed pointing at me

I froze at his words and I felt silent tears roll down my face as I get up off my bed and go to stand in front of roman "Why would you trust remus! Most of what he does is try to hurt you and cause you trouble in the imagination plus I never did anything to harm, they were the ones who harmed me!" The tears continue to fall down my face as my anxiety begins to highten at the thought of them wanting to leave.

"We don't care about your little son story anxiety! ,just get the hell out of here and go back to where you belong we don't want anything to do you any more JUST LEAVE ALREADY!" Roman screamed one last time before giving me a shove causing me to fall to the ground and storming out of my room.

I sat there crying as I thought over everything roman just screamed at me they really want me gone, I knew it was only a matter of time before they realised how worthless I was and got rid of me for good.

I slowly stand up and reach under my bed and pulled out my old backpack that I used when I first made my way over to the light sides and I began rushing round my room to pack any items I have that I won't want to leave behind, such as my electronics and other important items. I decided to leave my razors behind, I won't need them where I'm going.

If they want me gone then fine I'll leave it's not like I'm worth much anyways.

I drop my now full backpack onto the floor and walk over to my wardrobe and look through till I find what I'm looking for, "there it is" I whisper to myself as I pull out my old hoodie.

I quickly shrug off my current patchwork one and throw it onto my bed before pulling on my old black one.

If I'm going back there I might as well look as if I'm one of them, I grabbed my backpack off the floor and throw it over my shoulder and wipe my face of any extra tears only to realise I'm still crying silently.

I quickly make my way out of my room and sneak down the hall ways afraid of making to much noise and drawing the attention of the others, I don't want to be yelled at again.

I stand in front of the entrance to the rest of Thomas's mind, Thomas...No I don't want to think of him right now, and take a deep breath placing my hand on the handel.

With one last look down the hall I twist the handle and step out into Thomas's mind.

This is it.

I'm going back to the dark sides.


Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and please let know if you wish for me to continue and please let me know what you think of the story so far.

Also I've seen the new episode and I loved it and I was so surprised by what happened (no spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet)

Have a goodnight/good evening, and a wonderful quarantine.


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