Chapter 18

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Roman's pov

After traveling for a day or so I'm almost silence with the only conversations being between Logan and Patton who were mesmerised by the starry sky the mindscape provided for them, seriously those two are adorable together. once we finally made it back home we were all more then a little bit nervous and slightly tense for the important convocations that we will have to have sooner or later, even I know we cant avoid talking about it forever.

we walked into the front room and all took a seat and faced another pleading someone else will be the one to start up the conversation, finally it was Logan who took matters into his own hands and decided to ask the first question "Virgil would you pleases tell us of the origin of the bruise on your face?" I flinched a bit at the bluntness of the question and Virgil seemed to do the same before sighing and decided to answer anyways "I got into a little... disagreement with Janus and he had Remus 'correct' me" I felt my heart brake at that but something he said left me confused "wait Janus? is that-is that Deceits real name!" I burst out laughing and even got a small giggle from Virgil, that is the cutest giggle I have ever heard.

Once my laughter quietened down Logan jumped in to question Virgil some more "what caused you to leave in the first place? were we that bad it caused you to run back to the home of your abusers" Everyone flinched at that and I hoped that I hadn't been the one to drive him away, I don't know what I would do to myself if that was true.

"I was tricked and I didn't even realise it till I talked to Patton, all I knew was that Roman came into my room to tell me you guys decided that I wasn't worth it anymore and you guys wanted me gone. I quickly left after that but it turns out it had been Janus in disguise this whole time" I slammed my hand down onto the side of the chair as soon as Virgil had finished speaking "How dare he trick you like that! That reptilian rapscallion!" My anger got a slight smile from Virgil I wish he had a reasons to smile like that a little more. 

For the first time since we walked into our home Patton spoke up "Kiddo did they- did they do anything else to yo-you?" he asked with a slight quiver, poor Patton it must be killing him so see his dark strange son like this. Virgil said nothing but instead shrugged his shoulders, Virgil was always one to hide when he was in pain. Although Patton seemed unconvinced by his answer he said nothing and instead gave him a reassuring smile.

"I think I'm going to take a nap now, ill see you guys later" stated Virgil as he headed of towards the corridor leading to all our rooms, whilst Logan and Patton said a quick goodnight I went to follow Virgil down the hall and managed to catch up to him just before he opened his door "Storm cloud I need you to know that I am sorry for everything I have ever done to you and I wouldn't be surprised if you absolutely hated me also I'm sorry I couldn't help you when you needed help the most, I'm sorry I couldn't do my job and be the hero but instead be a failure-" I was cut of by Virgil as he grabbed the front of the sash and pulled me into a kiss which I returned as soon as I realised this was actually happening!

"I don't hate you princey in fact I actually like you, a lot" with that I pulled Virgil back in for another kiss before whispering "goodnight mi Amor" before pulling away and walking back towards the common room but I still managed to see the red tint to Virgil's face before he walked into his room to take his nap. God he is so cute.


Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter and I'm sorry for posting a day late but I will be updating again later this week. sorry for the short chapter. please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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