Chapter 1

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Hello this is the author from the future. I am so sorry that these chapters are so bad. They get better trust me, this is more of just an introduction to their lives so you can skip to chapter 2 if you want. Enjoy!

Lexa's POV:


"IN THE WASHING BASKET!" Anya, my mother yelled back


I was so exited for my first day back after summer vacation. But i was mainly exited to see Octavia again. Shes been my best friend for at least 10 years and basically my sister. I hadn't been able to see her because her parents had dragged her and her brother, Bellamy off to Egypt for the ENTIRE SUMMER VACATION!

I had a shower and tried to get changed but i couldn't find the right thing to wear. By the time i was finished my entire wardrobe was on the floor and all I could come up with was a white tank top and jeans with a denim jacket. I did my hair and makeup and ran downstairs to eat some breakfast before I left, I scanned the pantry and, surprise, nothing edible, i decided on an apple and a granola bar, shoved them into my bag for lunch and ran back upstairs to brush my teeth.

"OI DUMB SHIT YOUR LATE GET OUT HERE WE NEED TO GO!" I heard Octavia yell from the kitchen, she must've let herself in.


I came down the stairs to see my favorite long, black-haired, dumbass friend of mine with a goofy grin on her face, "Geez gonna make me wait all day then! Get over here!" I flung myself down the stairs and embraced Octavia in a gigantic hug.

"I missed you so fricken much O!"

"Cut all the 'I missed you so much how could you do this to me' shit and let's go."

We left my house and got into Octavia's crappy Toyota Carolla and drove to school.

Damn it felt good to see her again.

Clarke's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my bloody alarm. I reached an arm out of my bed to smack the snooze button when i remembered what day it was.

"IT'S SCHOOL!" I jumped out of bed. I had to get ready!

"Mmmm mom whats that smell?" I could smell my moms signature 'schools back' breakfast, it was the only thing I looked forward to every school year. I entered the kitchen but there was no sign of my mom, the only thing in the kitchen was a note and a plate of breakfast. I picked up the note, ignoring the enticing sight and smell of the Eggs Benedict and read it.

'Sorry I can't be here to send you off to school! Had to work the early shift. I'm working night shift too, have a good first day - xoxo mom'

I finished reading the note and began to eat the breakfast mom made for me. It wasn't a shock that mom wasn't around. Her work is very demanding and i don't see her much but I don't mind because when I do get to see her we always do something fun, I sent her a text to tell her thank you, while i was doing that I checked the time, 8:10am, I still had 50 minutes to get ready plus 20 minutes of Home Class.

I decided to dress up a little more than usual because it was the first day of school and i needed to impress people. "I hate having to be someone different in school" I said aloud to myself as I did my face and makeup routine. I went back into my room and looked in the mirror, 'god i look so fat today' i thought to myself, 'I'll miss lunch.'

I walked back into the kitchen and checked the time, 9:00am, great I was just on time. I grabbed my bag, left the house and got into my car. It wasn't a good car but it got me too and from school and work so I didn't really care.

I took the long route to school so that I could be slightly late so that i didn't have to talk to any of my 'friends' I had avoided them all through Summer Vacation to hangout with my friend Jesse from Minnesota, but he had to go back two weeks earlier so that he could be ready for his school year. Which meant I had two weeks of torture with the people that call themselves my friends but really just want someone to gossip with.

I was so not looking forward to this year.

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