-Chapter 13-

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Clarke's POV:

I spent most of my Saturday sleeping, I woke up in the lounge on the couch. I looked around me, Raven, Octavia, Lincoln, Mya, Monty, Jasper and Harper were also passed out in the lounge on the floor. Warily, I lifted my head, surprisingly my head didn't hurt too bad. Raven opened her eyes and groaned.

"Ah. My head." She stood up slowly and headed to the kitchen, coming back with some aspirin and two glasses of water, she handed me a glass and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Are you okay? You look like shit." She said, matter-of-factly.

I sighed, "It's Lexa. I-I messed up." I told her the whole story and when I was done Raven placed her hand on my shoulder, "Should I- Should I go see her?"

"Not today. I know Lexa, maybe not as well as Octavia but Lexa definitely would want some time to think everything over. Plus it's almost 3:00."

"Oh my god! My mom will be home at 8:00!" I looked around the room, nothing seemed to be broken but there was lot's of rubbish on the ground and drinks spilt on tables, "We need to clean up."

Raven nodded at clapped her hands loudly, after a few more attempts, everyone was awake.

"We need to clean up this house." Raven said to everyone. They groaned but started cleaning up anyways.

Time passed quickly and soon the house was just the way it was when mom left. I ordered pizza for everyone and we watched some tv and then they all left. I sat on the couch until the episode of stranger things was finished. Then it crashed on me. Lexa hated me. I basically told her she didn't matter to me. I was shaken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I opened it.

"Clarke!" My mom said, embracing me, "You look tired. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just-" I went quiet for a moment, "School is tiring right now."

"Well, how about we watch a movie together and catch up?" I nodded my head and smiled. It was good to see mom again.

"There's some pizza in the kitchen." I told her, "Some friends came over for dinner and we have leftovers." Mom grabbed two slices and a plate and we walked back into the lounge to watch a movie. After 20 minutes of debating, we decided on Titanic and I made some popcorn. Me and mom cuddled up on the couch and I eventually fell asleep. I was grateful for mom.


I woke up, alone on the couch surrounded by blankets. The tv was still on. I smelt bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. I wiped my eyes and walked towards the smell.

"Good morning, darling!" Mom greeted me.

"Good morning mom." I replied with a smile. She put a plate of breakfast in front of me, "Your not working today?" I asked hopefully.

"I'm working the lunch and night shift, sorry darling." She gave me a sad smile.

"It's okay." I checked my phone and saw two messages from Bellamy.

Bellamy: Good morning Clarke!

Bellamy: I'll pick you up at 5:00pm?

Clarke: I'm really sorry but I can't make tonight. Me and mom have dinner at grandparents house.

Bellamy: Oh ok. Another time?

I didn't reply. I should have just rejected him instead of giving him false hope. Then I remembered. Lexa was still mad at me. I ate my breakfast and cleaned up as fast as I could.

"Woah! Where are you off to?" Mom asked me.

"I need to talk to someone."

"Is this a boy?" My mom asked me, raising an eyebrow.

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