-Chapter 35-

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Lexa's POV:

Clarke opened her door gently and dragged me inside, I felt my heart speed up at the thought of being alone with Clarke all night, she looked at me and laughed, my ears perked up at the sound.

"You look nervous." She stated, I rolled my eyes and attempted to change the subject from my obvious nerves. I saw a box of Lego on a shelf and decided that it was the perfect distraction.

"Do you still play with Lego?" I asked teasingly, her face went red and she gave me a scowl while I gave her a smirk.

"I do not. I used to." She folded her arms and pouted which was the cutest thing ever.

"So you just, kept the box as a memento?" I raised an eyebrow and Clarke leaned against her bed frame.

"Yes, I did. So what?" She challenged. I chuckled.

"It's cute." I said simply, I felt a burst of triumph when I saw Clarke's face go even more red and she turned away from me slightly.

"Shut up." She scoffed and I simply smirked at her reaction.

"Whatever you say, Clarke." The Cl and K slipping off of my tongue easily. She stood up straighter and walked over to her mirror and grabbed a hairbrush that was sitting on the table beneath it, sliding it through her hair easily.

"You don't have any clothes for the night, do you?" She made eye contact with me through the mirror for a few seconds before I replied.

"No, I don't." My voice came out deeper than I expected and Clarke's eyes widened slightly before she quickly hid her expression.

"You can use some of mine." She placed the brush back down and walked into her closet, I followed her in. She rummaged through some drawers and pulled out some basic, blue and white pajamas. When she turned around she knocked into me and let out a laugh when I caught her from toppling over.

"Oh look! I'm falling for you." She said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

"I could drop you on the ground right now if I wanted." I teased. She laughed again and I felt my heart explode in my chest. She stood up but didn't make any move to leave the confined space of her closet. We were barley three inches apart and I could smell her shampoo coming off of her damp, blonde hair. I reached my hand out and toyed a strand of her hair between my thumb and forefinger, she watched my hand the whole time until it trailed to her cheek, she tilted her head into my touch and closed her eyes for a few seconds during which I took the time to take in her features the small dimple on her cheek, the skin between her eyebrows, her soft cheekbones, her defined collarbones and the spot just below her ear. She opened her eyes and gave me a curious look before whispering, "Kiss me." I didn't need any more encouragement and I leaned down and planted my lips on hers, bringing my other hand up to cup the right side of her face, she snaked her hands around my waist and pulled me to her and I felt electricity shoot through me, I shivered as she pushed me against the drawers behind me. Her tongue licked over my lower lip and I opened my mouth, I smiled internally at the thought that, three months ago Clarke was too shy to even consider kissing me and here we were, making out in her closet, at 12am on a Tuesday night. I took my hands away from her face and started to trail my hands over her shoulders, down her back and over her waist. She started doing the same and she moved her lips to my neck, I immediately leaned my head back onto the shelves behind me. I never knew that my neck could be so sensitive. I felt my breathing become louder and tried my best to quiet it. I felt Clarke smirk against my neck and I closed my eyes and smiled, her hands continued to roam my back and waist while I ran my fingers through her hair. God she was so perfect.

We were rudely interrupted by the front door slamming. Clarke pulled away from me and I was about to protest before she put a finger to my lips and gave me a mischievous smirk.

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