-Chapter 43-

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I know I know. I'm really sorry that this isn't a chapter update but please keep reading this is v v important :(

So lately I've not really been feeling much motivation to continue writing this story and I just don't like the general direction the story is going in. BUT that does not mean that the story is just going to end. So... I was thinking that perhaps some of YOU the wonderful readers would like to help me and we can complete this story together :D idk I just thought it would be a really cool thing to do and that this way I can hear more of your ideas and you guys can totally yell at me for the amount of plot holes within the story.

It would literally mean the world to me if some of you would make a lil group chat with me and help me create the last chapters ( i think about 5 more longish ones) I'm not going to give away any of the details as to what I'm thinking of for the ending but please leave me a message in my inbox or in the comment section containing your snapchat or Instagram (or both preferably snapchat though) username and I will add you to a group chat. Also I might be working on a completely separate story hehe ;)

Thank you <3

-Author :))

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