-Chapter 40-

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Clarke's POV:

I woke up on Monday morning with a pounding in my head and a sand paper throat. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to the assault of the afternoon sun. Then my eyes snapped open at the realization. School.

"Shit!" I sat up way too fast and immediately fell back onto the couch. I rubbed my eyebrows and slowly sat up again, this time succeeding. I looked around and saw that Lexa had her head buried in my lap, I smiled and ran my hands through her hair before the memories of the night before came crashing in.

Moving. Soon. Lexa. Leaving. Shit.

I saw Lexa's forest green eyes open and immediately shut again with a grimace. I smiled gently to myself. Savoring the few moments I would have left with Lexa and my other friends that I was so fortunate to make.

"Jesus Griffin shut the damn curtains." Luna moaned as she walked into the lounge, wiping her eyes and cradling her head.

My eyes trailed down to her neck and a smirk appeared on my face.

"Rough night?" I raised an eyebrow at Luna who looked into the mirror on her right before noticing what I was looking at. Several dark purple bruises trailed down her neck and to who knows where else.

"In more ways than one." She gave me a knowing wink and I shook my head, immediately regretting it as I felt a bolt of pain shoot through my head.

"Shit." I muttered. Lexa sat up slowly off of my lap and wiped her eyes.

"Good morning babe." She said slowly, turning her head to look at me. I smiled back to her.

"We're a bit late to school." I pointed towards the clock and Lexa followed my finger.

"Oopsie." She laughed before noticing my tired expression, "Oh, I'll get you some aspirin." She slowly stood up, and headed towards the kitchen. I cradled my head in my hands, I had never missed a day of school unless I was sick and on the day of my dad's funeral. Mom was going to kill me. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and checked my notifications, I had 4 text messages from mom as well as 6 missed calls. This wasn't good, I couldn't see mom until tomorrow because of her work schedule which meant that mom would have extra time to stew and prepare her rage at me when she eventually saw me. Lexa walked back into the room carrying a glass of water and two tablets which I gratefully swallowed before looking back up to Lexa, my beautiful, perfect girlfriend.

"Geez, Clarke. Stop checking me out." She teased and I smirked.

"What makes you think that?" I teased back, Lexa visibly shivered at the tone of my voice and I felt my chest seize up at the sight.

"Do you want to head back to mine? Considering we missed school by about 5 hours?" She raised her eyebrow at me and gave me a look I had never seen before. I nodded and we left the rest of the sleeping delinquents and headed back to Lexa's house.

Lexa's POV:

My heart was racing the entire way back to my house, the knot in my stomach constricted even tighter whenever Clarke rubbed her thumb over my hand or released a sigh. I was so nervous for what I was about to do that when I parked into the driveway of my house I felt ready enough to turn around and drive straight back to Raven's but somehow I ended up inside my house and sitting in the kitchen with Clarke.

"Lexa? Did you hear what I said?" Clarke was giving me a strange stare and I shook my head, as if clearing the thoughts that were swimming around.

"Sorry, what?" Clarke laughed and I felt the knot in my stomach loosen.

"I said, do you want to watch a movie?" She repeated and I immediately nodded, thankful that Clarke began heading towards my room.

Once the door was safely shut behind us and Clarke was walking towards my desk to grab my laptop I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, so I tried again, this time succeeding.

"Clarke." I said, she turned around and I grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me as I connected our lips in a needy kiss, she let out a small gasp that was quickly silenced as I slid my hands around her waist and pulled her ever closer to me. She pulled away slightly.

"Lexa?" She panted, giving me a confused frown. I smiled and re-connected our lips with even more urgency, this time Clarke responded, kissing back with just as much passion, the kiss soon turned heated and as I tried to maintain my dominance, Clarke pressed me into the wall next to my door with a muffled thump releasing an un-expected moan from me. I watched Clarke's eyes darken at the sound and I leaned my head back onto the wall, feeling my cheeks go slightly red.

"Lexa, is this okay?" Clarke asked, keeping her hands firmly on my hips. I nodded frantically, eager for her to kiss me again, but she didn't. I opened my eyes to see her looking me up and down very slowly before making eye contact with me, we stared at each other in a heated silence for a few seconds before I reached out and grabbed the neckline of her shirt, pulling her to me and kissing her. Her hands made their way down my sides and settled on my thighs, squeezing every so often to elicit a slight moan from me which only seemed to make Clarke squeeze harder. Both of our breathing was going uneven and heavy and I was sure Clarke could feel my heart through my shirt. Then I remembered, we were both still wearing clothes. I reached my hands under Clarke's shirt but she grabbed them and pinned them above my head, placing one hand on both of mine to hold me against the wall.

"Shh." She smirked and I felt my entire body flush. She ran her hand down my left arm agonizingly slow, keeping eye contact the entire time. I began to squirm as she reached my collarbone, willing her to move faster but she pushed me harder against the wall with her knee which had made it's way in between my legs. I gasped as she moved in to where I wanted.

"Clarke, please." I whispered and I saw her face change completely. I had never seen her in this light before and I was definitely not complaining.

"Please what?" Her voice had dropped like, 100 pitches and her beautiful blue eyes were darkened with lust.

"Fuck me." I whined, feeling my cheeks go even redder. I watched her facial expression. Waiting to see some kind of doubt but instead she smirked, ever the cocky one, and slid both her hands under my shirt and connecting our lips yet again. Only parting us to say,


Soooooo, hi I am definitely going to hell for writing this chapter but I was on my way there anyways so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Um if you want me to cOntInUE this part of the story, don't be shy, comment it ;) we don't judge here, right guys?

Thank you for reading and I'll try to write the next chapter when I'm not studying <3

WEAR A MASK :)))))

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