-Chapter 18-

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Lexa's POV:

'Beep, beep, beep, beep.'

I sat in the white tiled room, on an uncomfortable chair, staring at the floor, Clarke's hand in mine and the heart monitor being my constant reminder that she was still alive. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the ventilator. Doctors walked in and out of the room, checking Clarke's vitals and swapping her bandages. Time passed in a blur and the only thing I could think about was how this was my fault, my fault, my fucking fault.

"Where is she! WHERE IS SHE!" I heard a woman yell, before she burst into the room, "Oh my god Clarke!" She rushed over to Clarke and gave her an awkward hug over all the tubing and brain monitors. Two doctors followed the woman into the room.

"Ms. Griffin, your daughter suffered moderate traumatic brain injury and will be needing to stay under close supervision for at least one week." The doctor on the left stated. Clarke's mom nodded and a tear fell down her face, "What are her symptoms so far?" She asked the doctors.

"So far we have seen that her brain activity has slowed down to conserve energy which is a sign of brain injury however there is minimal swelling so she will be able to make a full recovery without major complications." The doctor on the right spoke up. Ms. Griffin turned back towards Clarke, she hadn't seen me yet. The doctors checked her vitals and left the room. Ms. Griffin sniffled and turned her head to wipe her eyes, her gaze landed on me and a confused expression flashed across her face.

"Who might you be?" She asked me.

"My name's Lexa, I'm Clarke's-" I thought back to what Clarke had told me in our cabin, 'I haven't told her about us yet.' "I'm Clarke's friend." The woman nodded and stood up.

"What happened?" She asked, she clearly thought this was my fault, which it was.

"Clarke was hit on the head with a rock." I stated, trying not to remember the whole situation.

"You're lying to me, aren't you Lexa?" The woman walked closer to me and a wave of fear flashed through my body.

"No, that is what happened ma'am." I stammered. The woman was so close to me and she studied my face for any sign that would give away that I was lying. She grunted and took a step back, I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"You should get back to camp, Lexa. I'm sure your group is missing you." The woman said, ushering me out the door. It looked like I didn't have a choice so I left and headed down the hallways that smelled of ammonia. I walked into the waiting room and saw Octavia, Raven, Harper and Jasper sitting on the blue hospital waiting chairs. They stood up when they saw me and engulfed me in a hug.

"What did the doctors say?" Raven asked me, I felt a tear run down my face.

"She's got some kind of brain trauma but she should be able to recover fully." I managed to say before my throat closed up with a sob. Octavia could see the look on my face and put her hands on my shoulders.

"We need MacDonald's right now." She grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door.

"No I need to stay here for when Clarke wakes up!" I said, pulling myself out of Octavia's grasp.

"Okay. I'll stay here with Lexa and you guys bring us some MacDonald's soon." Jasper said, our Octavia, Raven and Harper nodded and got into Octavia's car, me and Jasper headed back into the waiting room and sat down, he put his arm around me and I leaned into him.

"It's my fault Jasper." I said, trying my best to keep my voice from cracking.

"No it's not Lexa, it's that dumbass guy's fault and no one elses."

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