-Chapter 22-

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Monday 2nd May

Lexa's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I attempted to hit the snooze button my my hand landed on someone's head. Clarke.

"Owww Lexa." Clarke moaned, she rolled over to face me and I looked into her half opened eyes.

"We need to get up. School." I rolled overtop of Clarke and off the bed.

"Dibs first shower." I smirked, see waved her hand at me and rolled back onto her stomach. I had my shower and looked in the mirror. I was wearing the white long sleeved top Clarke had picked out for me and jeans. I threw my hair into a messy bun and put on some foundation and blush and left the bathroom. Clarke was still lying in my bed, she had decided to stay another night after her mom had texted her a... Slightly hateful paragraph.

"Clarke get your ass out of bed." I chuckled slightly as she sat up, her hair looked like a birds nest and her face was fully bare if makeup.

"Yeah okay whatever Lex." She stood up and headed towards the shower.

"Lex? Is that a new nickname?" I smirked.

"No I'm just too tired to pronounce the extra 'a'" She lightly pushed my shoulder as she went into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs, I was immediately greeted by Maddy who had been at a friend's house the whole of Sunday.

"Lexa! Can you get Clarke to please give me a ride to school?"

"I don't know cricket, Clarke's getting a ride with me today." I replied.

"Oh. That's okay. I'll go ask Anya." She ran off towards my mom's room and I grabbed an apple and took a bite. I looked up the stairs and almost dropped my apple. Clarke was wearing her new denim overalls with a white crop top underneath and her hair was perfectly messy, falling just below her ears, she had put makeup on and had put on eyeliner and mascara which drew attention to how blue her eyes were.

"Lexa stop staring at her like she's a puppy and help me finish my maths homework." Luna called from behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"Luna you're girlfriend is Raven Reyes, you shouldn't be asking me."

"Raven didn't stay last night. Her mom wanted her home which means I have to ask you which means I'm probably going to fail."

"47." Clarke had walked down the stairs without us noticing and was peering over Luna's shoulder at the homework sheet. Luna wrote it down and smirked at me.

"Looks like we both got smart girlfriends." Clarke smacked her on the shoulder, making Luna wince.

"Damn I thought you'd take it as a compliment."


"Shut up guys. Let's go Clarke." I said, grabbing her hand and walking towards the door.

"Hey what about me?!" Luna called over her shoulder, scrambling to pack up her uncompleted homework.

"Don't have room for you sorry." I called over my shoulder, "I'm sure Raven'll take you."

Clarke grabbed her schoolbag from off the kitchen counter before we left, I lead her outside to my motorcycle, Clarke let go of my hand the minute she saw it.

"Lexa, I am not getting on that bike." She said, folding her arms.

"Oh but you are." I handed her one of my leather jackets and a helmet. She contemplated them for a minute, not sure weather she would prefer to go in her own car or come with me. She sighed and took the jacket and helmet.

"Just so you know. If you kill us, I will kill you again when I see you in hell." She put on the helmet and got on the back of the motorcycle.

"Whatever you say Clarkie." Clarke wrapped her arms around me as I started the motorcycle, I drove us out of the driveway and headed towards the highway.

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