-Chapter 3-

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Clarke's POV:

I got home after dropping Lexa off at her house, I crashed onto my bed. Great. I messed up. I shouldn't of thought that she'd want to actually be my friend. I've literally been bugging her since like 9th grade. But then again, who would want to be my friend anyways? I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Especially after this morning. I should just accept that I've ruined any chance of friendship I had with Lexa and move on.

I got off my bed and went to have a shower.

I wanted to talk to her again.

Lexa's POV:

Clarke dropped me off at my house at 5:17pm. I walked in the door and saw mom, she didn't look happy.

"Mom I messed up and I'm sorry ok." I began

"You threatened a student?" She said, sounding oddly calm.

"Uh I guess? Why?" I was getting suspicious now.

"Avery Kane? Is that her name?"

"Uh yeah. Why what is it?"

"Well done Lexa. Her mother is the most stuck up, nosy piece of work I have ever had to work with. I can imagine her daughter isn't that much better. I know you would've had your reasons."

I was surprised. Mom has never congratulated me on almost beating someone up before. "So... Does this mean I'm not grounded?" I asked.

"You are grounded until Friday." She said. I decided not to push my luck and just said thank you and headed upstairs. When I got to my room i sat down on my bed. Today was a long day but thanks to my suspension I don't have to go to school for two days. That's not that bad. I decided to have a shower but just before I got in my phone buzzed:

Raven: Aye Lex where were you at lunch?

Me: Hey sorry I got suspended.


Raven: WHY?!

I smiled at my phone. My friends were such goody two-shoes, they never did anything against the rules.

Me: Don't worry guys it was Avery. I didn't hurt her though.

Raven: Oh no what did Avery do?

Octavia: Yeah what'd she do?

Me: I'll tell you on Thursday. I'm tired I want to sleep :).

Octavia: IT'S 6pm!

Raven: Wanna go to the diner for dinner?

Me: Do I have a choice?

Octavia: No

Raven: No, you have to tell us what happened.

Me: Fine meet at 6:30, O pick me up?

Octavia: Yep

Raven: Ookie Dookie

I put my phone down and looked at my reflection, I looked okay I guess. I Put on a hoodie and went down to ask my mom if i could go.

Clarke's POV:

I got out of the shower and checked my phone, there was a message from Avery.

Avery: I saw you with Lexa this arvo? You weren't talking to her were you?

Me: I just told her to back off next time she has any ideas.

Avery: Oh okay good. Check the group chat.

I sighed. The last thing I wanted to do was to talk to a whole group of Mean Girl wannabes. Reluctantly I opened the group chat.


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