-Chapter 32-

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Clarke's POV:

"Clarke! You haven't explained anything properly yet!" Lexa complained from the passenger seat. I parked in my driveway and got out of the car and ran into the house, Lexa and Harper ran in after me and shut the door. I checked the key rack to see if mom was out, her keys weren't there and I sighed in relief.

"Okay, you guys need to sit down for this." I steered them towards the couch and told them what Echo had told me. After I had finished I took in their expressions. Harper was looking at the ground with a contemplative look on her face while Lexa had her arms folded looking kind of bored.

"Okay, Avery probably had a boyfriend. No big deal." Lexa summarized. I shook my head.

"No, it's more than that. We have to get her phone." I said, determined. Harper raised her gaze from the ground to my face.

"Clarke. That's tampering with potential evidence. IF she really was being harassed." She pointed out. I sighed.

"Well as Lexa said it's probably nothing. We can say that we were looking through her phone to find old photo's of us so that we could print them off." I said, I had been thinking about an excuse we could use and that was the best one I could come up with. Harper closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.

"Okay, let's do it." Lexa said, Harper hesitated but agreed after ten minutes of persuading.

"So when do we go to her house?" She asked.

"Mr and Mrs, Kane will be at the memorial from 3:30 until 5:00 so we have a good one and a half hour time zone to sneak in and get it. I remember her pass code so hopefully she hasn't changed it."

"Wait so we are going to miss the memorial?" Harper asked in disbelief. I shrugged and looked at Lexa who shook her head.

"We should at least go for one hour and then leave, that way we have about thirty minutes." Lexa offered. Harper and I agreed and then we just had to wait until the memorial which means we had 2 hours to plan.


We had twenty minutes until the memorial started and we arrived at school to find Raven as she left her last class, engineering.

"Raven!" Harper called, Raven turned and looked at us questionably before walking over.

"What's up?" She asked, she had barely finished her question before Harper started telling her our plan at hyper speed. Raven put her hands on Harper's shoulders.

"Wait a second, you want me to hack into Mr, Kane's security cameras so that you can steal Avery's phone?" We nodded and she raised her eyebrows, "Sounds like a bad idea, I'm in."

I looked at Lexa and raised my hand for a high-five, she furrowed her eyebrows at me while giving me a, 'are you sure you want to commit breaking and entry all for some stupid phone that might not have anything to do with the fact that Avery passed away and that if we get caught you will have that permanently on your record and you probably won't get into Polis University and I don't think a phone is worth it.' Look. I sighed and raised my hand to give myself a high five instead.

"Let's go." Harper said, we all walked back to my car and headed to the memorial, we had to make a stop at Raven's house so she could grab her, 'hacking laptop' as she called it which kind of made me worried that she had a specific laptop just for hacking things. She ran inside and we sat in the car going over the plan.

"Okay, Lexa, you're the getaway driver-" Harper started, she was quickly cut of by Lexa.

"Oh HELL no. If Clarke's going in there, I am too." She folded her arms and gave Harper a defiant look. Harper rolled her eyes.

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