-Chapter 44-

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a/n lol i missed chapter 42 but oh well

Clarke's POV:

Eventually I could not ignore the missed text messages and calls from mum so I packed up my stuff and went home, kissing Lexa on the way out of course.

"Get home safe, okay?" She whispered, kissing my nose.

"I will, I'll text you." I replied, smiling and giving her one last hug.

"She's not going to war you know." Raven said from the staircase. I still hadn't told her, or anyone for that matter that I knew I was actually leaving soon. I'd have to find time to do that later this week.

"I know, but in that car," Lexa nodded towards my shit heap of a vehicle, "Her survival chances are pretty low." I scoffed.

"Are you saying I'm a bad driver?" I challenged, Lexa shrugged and I turned around, flicking my hair dramatically and getting into my car. I waved to both her and Raven who had made her way to the door. They waved back and I smiled. However it quickly faded as the weight of the situation landed on me. I was going to have to leave everyone. All my friends I had worked so hard to gain. I was finally happy and mom was ripping me away from it all, I felt rage wash over me as I rounded a corner onto my street and pulled into the driveway, I saw a new silver sports car in the driveway. That was odd. The door unlocked and I stepped inside, stopping immediately when I saw both mom and Mr, Kane sitting on the couch. Shit! He must have found out it was me and Lexa who broke into his house, if he even noticed someone did break into his house.

"Mom?" I questioned, she turned around and gave me a smile, I was extremely suspicious now.

"Clarke, darling. Come sit down."

I meekly made my way to the chair sitting on the opposite side of the couch. Kane gave me a smile and I shifted uncomfortably, why was my teacher in my house.

"I have some news." Mom continued, I knew what was coming. Mom slowly pulled a letter out of her pocket. The same letter I had read only 48 hours before hand.

"We have decided to move to Polis." She said, Kane put his arm around her and my heart dropped.

"When." I whispered.

"What was tha-" Kane began

"I said when?!" I yelled, tears filling my eyes, mom had betrayed me, she had betrayed dad.

"In three days." Mom answered quietly, looking down at the ground. My world tipped sideways. No. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I was frozen. Mum got off the couch and came to kneel in front of me. I stood up and ran to my room, slamming the door behind me. No, no,no,no. it was too soon. I wasn't ready for this. My phone rang and I checked the ID. It was Lexa. I quickly wiped my eyes and answered.

"Hey Lex." I said.

"Hey baby, did you get home safe?" She said, I could tell she was smirking.

"Of course." I began to laugh but it turned to tears pretty quickly. She cared about me too much and I was about to leave her.

"Clarke? I'm on my way." The phone hung up and I crumpled against my door. Why was life so fucking unfair.

About five minutes later I heard the front door open and footsteps run up the stairs. There was a knock at the door.

"Clarke, open the door." I heard Lexa's soft voice float through the door. I stood up and moved away from the door. The second it opened Lexa swooped in and wrapped me in her arms. I burst into tears. Lexa reached one hand away to shut the door.

"Hey, I'm here. Shh" She rubbed my back and I inhaled her pine tree smell. We stood there for a few minutes before I crumpled to the floor.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sitting next to me and wrapping her arms around me again.

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