-Chapter 31-

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Lexa's POV:

I walked into school on Thursday and was immediately handed a pamphlet from a freshman about a service for Avery and her family after school. I took the piece of paper and headed to the tree. Clarke was there with Harper, it looked like no one else had arrived yet. I check the time, I was fifteen minutes early, Octavia and Raven must've been at the coffee shop. I hadn't gotten coffee with them for ages. I sat down at the tree and said hi to them both, Clarke looked embarrassed.

"Did you get the pamphlet?" Harper motioned to the piece of paper in my hand and I nodded.

"Yeah,l do you guys need a ride after school?" I looked at Clarke and then Harper, they both nodded and I released a sigh.

"I should go to my locker." Clarke said awkwardly, she stood up quickly and started fast walking towards N block. I looked back at Harper.

"She's still mad, isn't she?" I asked her. Harper shrugged.

"I don't know, she's sometimes mad at you then she wants to go to your house and thinks she can forgive you and then she's crying because she's still mad at you." Harper shook her head with an amused smirk playing on her lips, "Follow her. Talk to her."

I nodded and walked into N block, I headed up to Clarke's locker and saw her leaning against it.

"Clarke? Are you okay?" I asked. She jumped slightly at my voice and tried to wipe her eyes but it smudged her mascara. I felt my face soften and I walked closer to her and wrapped her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Clarke." I whispered into her hair. I felt her sigh against my shoulder, she pulled away and looked up at me.

"Why are you so tall." She laughed and I smirked. We went silent for a minute, "I forgive you." She said quietly. I felt my heart skip a beat. She forgave me. After everything that had been happening that week, she forgave me.

"Really?" I asked, not quite believing her. She laughed and pulled me into a kiss, my heart started beating faster and I felt my face heat up. I ran my fingers through her hair and I felt her smile against my lips.

"Girls, please keep the PDA to a minimal." Mr, Pike said authoritatively from behind us. I stepped away from Clarke and laced our fingers together.

"Sorry sir." Clarke said shyly from behind me. Mr, Pike nodded and walked past us. I turned back to Clarke, she smirked and attempted to reconnect our lips but I put my hand in front of her lips and lightly pushed her away.

"I'm sorry Clarke, but I follow the rules." I gave her a sarcastic frown and she laughed.

"You? Following the rules?" She gave me a pointed look and I released her hand to fold my arms over my chest.

"Yes. haven't you heard? I'm the best student there ever was."

"Well that's unfortunate. I only go for bad girls." Clarke spun her head around and started walking down the hallway defiantly. I felt my jaw drop.

"Wait!" She continued walking, swaying her hips. "Clarke!" I ran after her and grabbed her arm. She gave me a triumphant smirk.

"You are such a pushover." She lightly pushed me on the shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

"As if." I walked ahead of her just to prove my point and I heard her let out a small laugh. The first bell rang and I headed to my first class, sparing Clarke a smile and wave over my shoulder as I went.

Clarke's POV:

After three deathly boring classes I headed to the cafeteria to buy my lunch when I ran into Echo and Ontari, they both had red eyes and by the looks of it they hadn't been getting much sleep. I hadn't either but thankfully I had brought an expensive concealer to help get rid of the bags under my eyes. They smiled sadly at me and I felt the need to say something.

"Hey, Echo, Ontari." I gave them a sad smile and Echo immediately burst into tears. Despite how much I didn't like them, at that moment it felt like they were the only ones who truly understood what I was going through, maybe even worse considering the fact that they were much closer to Avery than I was. I hesitated before pulling Echo into a hug, she felt so fragile that it was hard to think that I ever thought she could be a bully. Ontari had tears falling down her cheeks too and I extended my arm out to her, she shook her head and I nodded, Ontari never liked me and I was probably pushing a line by trying to hug her. Echo pulled away from me and she wiped her nose and eyes.

"Oh, shit, sorry. Your um, your shirt." Echo pointed to my shirt which had her tears and mucus smeared on it, "Let's go to the bathroom." She steered me towards the bathroom with Ontari in tow. We walked in and Echo took her bag off of her back and pulled out a spare shirt.

"Oh don't worry, Echo. I have a jacket." I tried to start but Echo kept her hand out until I took it. I smiled at her. I had never really realized how kind Echo could be. Ontari scoffed and muttered something under her breath before walking swiftly out the door. I gave Echo a curious look and she sighed.

"Ontari isn't really upset about Avery." Her voice broke when she said her name, "She wasn't close to her."

"I'm so sorry Echo. It must be really hard." I started but Echo cut me off.

"It's fine, plus I can tell that you haven't been sleeping much so you probably know what it's like." She turned around as I took off my top and got changed. There was a question that was burning on my tongue and I just had to ask.

"Echo. If you don't mind me asking. Was Avery dealing with anything that could have caused her to-" I stopped talking before I said something that could hurt Echo. Echo turned back around once I had pulled the shirt over my head. She let out a sigh and went quiet for a second before responding.

"Well, she never told me directly what was wrong, but ever since Costia came back she'd been acting kind of different. Like, she wouldn't take her phone to school or she wouldn't pick it up if she got a text message. One time I picked it up and saw a message from an unknown number but before I could read it she grabbed it away from me." Echo took a deep breath and looked up at me, "Do you think she was getting harassed?" She asked. My eyes were wide as I tried to take in this information. I hadn't seen a change in Avery's behavior but that was probably because I hadn't seen or talked to her the last few weeks before her death.

"Did you tell the police this?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I didn't think it would be important." She said. I closed my eyes. Echo was nice but she sure wasn't the smartest girl around.

"Okay. Well, do you know if her phone is at the police station?" Echo shook her head.

"No, when I went over to her house for dinner two days after, it was still on the coffee table in the lounge."

I let out a breath, "Okay. Thank you for the shirt Echo but I have to go." I left the bathroom and started heading towards the tree to find Lexa when I heard someone shout my name. I turned around.

"Hey Bellamy." I said, slightly impatient as he jogged up to me. Finn was following behind him.

"Hey princess." He said. I frowned and he smirked at my reaction, "You don't like that name, do you, princess?"

I rolled my eyes, "Sorry Bellamy I can't sit with you today. I'm really busy." Before he could reply I turned around and jogged the rest of the way up to the tree. Octavia was watching me.

"Why were you talking to my brother?" She gave me a curious look and I shook my head.

"I'll tell you later, Lexa, Harper, follow, now." I started heading to my car and I heard their hurried footsteps behind me. We got to my car and I tried to open the door but Harper stopped me.

"Clarke? What it it?" She asked. I gave her a look and said.

"It's about Avery."

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote if you did! I'm sorry that the story hasn't been the best quality but I've got three internals due next week so I'm working on them right now. Anyways. I will definitely try to update at least 1-2 times more this week. Have a good night/day/morning!

Thank you for reading :)


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