-Chapter 5-

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Lexa's POV:

After the final bell rang I went to my locker and grabbed my books for homework and my soccer gear and headed to the field for training. When I got there the team was already doing footwork drills. Coach Keller saw me walking onto the field.

"LEXA YOUR LATE." She yelled. I checked my watch, five minutes late. Great. "Ten laps of the field once your ready!" I sighed and walked into the changing rooms. This was going to be a long training.

Clarke's POV:

When school finished I decided to go to the library to start working on mine and Lexa's assignment considering that Lexa probably wouldn't be doing any work. I decided to go sit by the window which had a view of the main field. Then I saw Lexa's soccer team practicing for the game this Sunday. I saw Lexa walk onto the field, still in her school clothes. The coach didn't look happy. She was probably late. I watched her walk into the changing rooms and sighed. Today went really well, I managed to make friends with Mya, Harper, Jasper and Monty. But Raven and Octavia were still unsure and I'm pretty sure Octavia didn't like me anymore than what she did two days ago. I decided that I wasn't going to get any work done and put my laptop in my bag and pulled out my drawing book and my pencils. I started drawing a tree on the outskirt of the field but I just couldn't stay focused. I decided it would be easier if I went down onto the field.

I sat on the bleachers drawing a bird that was sitting a few meters away from me. I looked up from my drawing and saw Lexa standing on the side of the field, watching her team mates. Her hair was tied half up half down and she had a serious expression on her face. I turned the page and began a new drawing. I drew the cheekbones, jawline and began working on the facial features, I wanted to elaborate the eyes, I switched to my dark green pencil and worked on the irises. I wanted the eyes to be the only colored part of the drawing. After I finished the face I looked at the drawing, to my surprise it was probably one of my best works. I had drawn Lexa's face almost perfectly, the shading was good and i was impressed with the detail. I smiled at the painting.

"Hey Clarke! What are you doing here?" I looked up in shock and saw Lexa jogging over to me. Crap she couldn't see the painting she would think I'm weird. I quickly turned the page back to the bird I attempted.

"Oh hey Lexa. I was just doing some drawing." I replied, I could feel my face going red.

"I didn't know you drew." She said, looking down at the drawing of the bird. "Hey that's really good Clarke!"

"Haha. It's not my best work but it's not my worst either." I replied shyly.

"It's still really good. Hey are you free tonight? Do you want to come over and work on the Bio project?" She asked me. I was surprised that she actually brought up the project.

"Look who's the nerd now." I smirked.

"I am not!" She pouted.

"Mmhmm sure. Okay let's go, I'll drive you." I replied, still smiling.

" Yep okay. Oh and can we also stop at the grocery store? I need to get some stuff for mom." She asked

"Yeah that's totally okay." I smiled, walking towards my car, Lexa following behind me.

Lexa's POV:

I was surprised to see Clarke sitting on the bleachers at the end of my training. I didn't know how long she'd been there. I decided that I might as well ask her to come over and do the Bio project. Considering I needed a ride home anyways. I did not want to take the bus because I got motion sickness really easily.

As we were walking towards the student parking lot I saw Avery and Echo walking towards us. Clarke looked at me and I could see she didn't want to talk to them just as much as me. I nodded my head towards the ally that took us the long way to the parking lot. She looked at me and we both started running towards it. I heard Avery shout some names after us but I didn't care. Like hell I was going to risk another suspension. Even if it wasn't in-school hours. We reached the alley and we were both laughing.

"Well that was fun." Clarke puffed, sweating a little. She wasn't much of an athlete.

"Yeah it was," I laughed, "Let's go."

We arrived at the grocery store and I got the few essentials that was written on the shopping list. There was leftover change from the money mom gave me so I brought Clarke and I some Ben and Jerry's and Doritos and left the store. I got in the car and we continued to my house.

When we walked in the door I put the grocery's away and asked Clarke if she wanted anything.

"No I'm okay." She said

"Well too bad I'm making us some Mac'n'Cheese."

"Ugh okay then."

I checked the pantry and grabbed the packet of instant macaroni. I was so hungry after soccer. As I started making it I said, "How long have you been drawing for?"

"All my life pretty much."

"Wow, that's so cool I wish I could draw as well as you."

"I wish I could play sport as well as you." I looked at her, she saw me play? She must have been there for most of the training because I sat out the second half.

"I've only been playing for three seasons so I'm not the best."

" Still better than I could ever be though."

"Yeah, whatever you say. The food is ready, lets go upstairs and get to work on this dumb project."

We walked upstairs to my room and lay out all our notes on the floor. I only had half a page of notes while Clarke basically had an entire encyclopedia on animal and plant cells. I laughed, "You are such a nerd. You have to admit it."

"I don't have to admit anything! I just pay attention in class."

"Yeah. That's a nerd."

"No it's not!" She pouted, lightly punching me in the arm.

"Yeah whatever. Let's get to work or we will never get this done."

"Yeah whatever."

After a while of working I checked the time. 8:00pm. Wow it's been two hours.

"Hey Clarke, what time do you have to be home, Its 8:00."

"Oh crap! I have to go mom will be wondering where I am!" She jumped up gathered her books and ran downstairs. I followed.

"Okay well I'll text you tonight when I know what time the party is tomorrow." I said

"Yeah okay. Thank you for the snacks and I'll see you tomorrow!" She hugged me and left.

Clarke's POV:

I got in my car and smiled to myself. I really enjoyed Lexa's company. I was looking forward to her texting me later. It would give me a reason to talk to her again. I usually felt numb around everyone but with Lexa. I just, felt like myself.

I was exited for tomorrow.

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