-Chapter 25-

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a/n I know some parts of my story don't make sense (like the fact that they started school after summer vacation but its April) but we don't talk abt it. Also this is gonna be a long chapter so buckle up :)

Saturday 9th April

Clarke's POV:

I woke up on Saturday and stayed in my bed until 1:00pm scrolling through my phone and texting Lexa when suddenly I heard a noise coming from my front yard. I opened the blinds a little to look outside, it was Lexa. She had driven her motorcycle because she was wearing her leather jacket and gloves but I couldn't see the motorcycle anywhere. Lexa looked up and saw me peeking through the window. She smirked and beckoned me to open the front door. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and put some toothpaste in my mouth. I gagged and spat the toothpaste into the sink. Ew. I headed downstairs and opened the door. Lexa was holding a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. I gave her a questioning look and she smirked.

"I just figured out that we've been together for two months so I had to come over here." She smiled sheepishly and I felt my heart drop. I hadn't got her anything. Lexa handed the gifts to me and I gave her a quick kiss before walking inside, Lexa followed hesitantly, clearly worried about my mom being home. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, she acts like we don't exist." I nudged her, "Good for us right?" Lexa's face went slightly red and I smirked. I walked into the kitchen and mom was sitting at one of the bar stools. I searched under the sink for a vase. I found one and put the flowers in it. Mom gave me a suspicious look. I gave her a sarcastic smile and she looked behind her at Lexa who was standing in the back corner. Mom stopped and stared at Lexa dead in the eyes.

"Get out." She said through gritted teeth, Lexa looked slightly upset but managed to keep her composure.

"No, mom, she's staying here and you just have to deal with it." I left the vase on the kitchen counter and ignored mom's death stare, I grabbed Lexa's hand and led her upstairs. When we got to my room I closed the door and leaned against it. Lexa sat down on my desk chair. I looked at her and we smiled at each other, my face fell slightly when I remembered I still didn't have a present for her.

"Lexa, I uh, I didn't get anythi-" Lexa cut me off with a hug.

"Don't even worry, you're more than enough." I smiled into the crook of her neck and she rested her hands on my hips.

"Thank you." I whispered into her ear. I felt her shudder slightly and I smirked, "You know what. Let's go get food." Lexa pulled back from me and smiled.

"Well, at least I don't have to act mad to get free food." She laughed and I reached my hand out to smack her, she caught my hand and spun me around as if we were dancing. I laughed and she pulled me back into her.

"I should have a shower." I stated, heading towards my towel cupboard. Lexa let go of my hand.

"Okay. I'll be here." She winked and lay down on my bed. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom.


"Well, what are you're brilliant plans for tonight, Clarke?" Lexa asked me with a smirk after we had picked up some food. I smiled back at her.

"I have the best plan ever." I looked at her quickly, she looked at me with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. She folded her arms and smiled.

"Okay then." I turned up the Taylor Swift CD, Lexa nodded her head to the beat. I drove towards the south end of the beach where literally no one goes. Lexa looked out the window in confusion.

"I didn't even know this part of the beach existed." She stated. I smiled.

"Not many people do. This was where I go to get the best view of the sunset when I want to draw or paint. This was actually where I was going to take you the first day we actually talked." I don't know why I was telling her this but I felt like I should. Lexa smiled at me.

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