-Chapter 9-

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(Oh btw I skipped to Lexa's soccer game)

Clarke's POV:

I got out of my car and walked towards the field that Lexa would be playing on. I saw Raven from across the parking lot and waved her over.

"Hey, Clarke!"

"Hey Raven. Where's O and the others?"

"They went to Startbucks first, they'll be joining us soon. Are you exited to see your girlfriend play?" She saw the surprised expression on my face, "Come on Clarke. You really think I didn't see you drooling over Lexa last night?" I blushed.

"You can't tell anyone."

"Your secrets safe with me. Now come on! Let's go watch your girlfriend warm up." She said, dragging me towards the bleachers.

We sat down on the seats and were talking and watching Lexa and her team warm up. I looked at Lexa, she was so beautiful it was actually incredible. I was too busy watching Lexa that I didn't even notice Octavia, Monty, Jasper, Harper and Mya had arrived. I was still watching Lexa when I noticed that they were all staring at me. Shit. I looked at my friends and smiled.

"Oh hey guys."

"Uh. Hi Clarke." Octavia replied. She was so close to laughing.

"I didn't know you liked soccer." Jasper said, smirking.

"Oh. I don't I just have nothing better to do."

"Oh well we got you a drink from Starbucks. I hope you like mocha-chinos." Mya said, smiling.

"Oh wow thanks guys!" I said, taking the drink.

The game started and we all sat down to watch Lexa play. She received the ball off of one of her team mates and dribbled it down the field. There were two defenders coming her way and she faked going left twice and then sped past them, she then passed the ball to her other team mate and they kicked it into the goal. Lexa ran up and hugged her team mate, congratulating her. Our group was cheering Lexa on, I stood up and joined them. Lexa looked up into the stands and rolled her eyes which only made us cheer louder. The other team started off with the ball and began passing it to and from each other as they made their way up the field. Lexa waited until they passed the ball to their weakest player and she faked one way and slid her foot through the players legs and took the ball out from underneath her. She sprinted with the ball back down to the opposition's goal. I was screaming and clapping louder than all of our friends, and Octavia was blocking her ears while sitting next to me. I felt sorry for her. But I didn't stop cheering.

It was the last ten minutes of the second half and we were tying 3:3, our group was cheering and shivering, it was a cold day. I looked at the team, they had the ball and were making progress to the oppositions goal. One girl, who I recognized as Emily from my English class, was dribbling the ball through two defendants. She signaled to her team mates and Lexa ran to her left and another girl to her right. This gave her options, she faked a right, kicked the ball into the air in front of her and hit it to Lexa with her knee.

"Can she do that?" I asked Monty.

"Yeah, just can't touch it with her hands."

"Damn that's so cool." I continued to watch the game. Lexa was running down the field with the ball. She evaded a defending player and kicked the ball, it flew straight into the back of the net. Our whole group cheered. The siren for the end of the second half went off and Lexa and her team mates hugged each person in the opposite team. Afterwards Lexa started heading over to us. Our group ran down from the bleachers to congratulate her. I ran up to Lexa and threw my arms around her neck. She stopped, stunned at the sudden contact. But she then wrapped her arms around my waist.

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