-Chapter 7-

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Clarke's POV:

The final bell went and I headed to G 1, which was also known as the detention class. I walked into the class and saw that Mrs. Mott was sitting at the front desk. No one else was in the classroom. Lexa better not have forgotten.

I Gave my name to the teacher and sat down. I got out my laptop and was working on mine and Lexa's assignment when I heard the door open. It was Lexa. I smiled at her and she sat down next to me.

"Hey nerd." She said.

"I will break your arm too." I smiled at her innocently.

"No you won't."

"Try me."

"Well you probably shouldn't try to break my arm in detention."

"Whatever. Get your laptop out let's do some work." I told her.

She got out her laptop and we started on the report. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. She was so cute. 'Stop it Clarke' I thought to myself, 'friends that's all.' I continued typing up the report when I realized that she was watching me. I looked up from my work and smiled at her. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"No. You just look really pretty today." I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks went red. I looked back down at my laptop.

"Shut up." I whispered with a smile.

"Sorry. Just stating facts." She whispered back.

"Lexa. I will literally attack you the minute we are out of here."

"I'd like to see you try." She whispered in my ear. I felt myself blush even more. What was she doing to me? I put up my hand.

"Yes Ms. Griffin?"

"Can I please go to the bathroom?"

"Okay. You have 5 minutes." I left the classroom as fast as my legs could carry me. I got to the toilets and looked in the mirror. My face was so red. I splashed myself with some water and dried my face with my sleeve. I had to stop thinking about her.

I walked back into the classroom. Only 15 minutes had passed. I looked at Lexa, she smirked at me. I poked my tongue out and walked over to her.

"Well that was rude." She whispered as I sat down.

"What was?" I whispered back.

"Leaving me here with that teacher." She pointed towards Mrs. Mott who was asleep in her chair. She was snoring. I laughed and looked at Lexa. "You deserved it."



"Because why?"

"LEXA shut up." I whisper-shouted.

"Yeah whatever. Let's work on this project."

We worked on our assignment for the rest of detention. When we left school it was 5:30pm. We had to get ready for the party tonight.

After I dropped Lexa off I went home. The second I walked in the door I saw mom standing in the lounge.

"Where were you this afternoon?" She asked.

"Sorry mom I had detention." I replied


"I was talking during class."

"You need to focus in class if you want to be a doctor." Mom had always said that I was going to be a doctor. Even though I wanted to be an artist. I don't think I ever had a choice.

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