-Chapter 2-

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Lexa's POV:

We arrived at school 20 minutes early, which was probably a record for me and Octavia, we had a habit of waiting for the coffee shop to open at 9:00am so that we could grab one before school. Which usually made us late by about 15 minutes on most days.

As we were walking towards B Block, I saw a group of girls standing around and giggling. Of course it was Avery and her group of friends, I was surprised I didn't see Clarke with them. God they were so stuck up and bitchy.

"LEXA!" I turned around just before I got tackled onto the ground by Raven, she was strong for someone so small. I hit the ground and all the air was punched out of my lungs. I lay there with stars filling my vision until I could finally breathe and see again. Raven was offering her hand, I took it and allowed her to help me up. "Hello to you too Raven." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Geez I'm glad I wasn't walking where you were or it would have been me with grass stains all over my jacket." Octavia said

"WHAT?! WHERE?!" I yelled, attempting to look at the back of my jacket.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! Here lets go to the bathroom and try wash it off." Raven said, dragging me towards the B Block toilets. Raven was such a good friend, crazy yes, but she was always there for me. We got to the B Block toilets and Raven began aggressively rubbing the stains with some paper towels and hand soap. After about ten minutes she gave up.

"Lexa I am so sorry!" Raven choked, she was almost in tears. I turned around to face her.

"Hey its okay Raven don't worry I have stain remover at home and I have a spare jacket in my car." I said, trying my best to comfort her, she was so emotional.

"Okay, okay. Well I'm still sorry," she replied just as the bell went.

"It's fine Raven I have to go to..." I pulled out my timetable, "Chemistry. Great."

"Haha sucks for you i have art," Octavia said

"Oh my gosh same!" Raven squealed

"Wow lucky you two," I said sarcastically, they were lucky their parents allowed them to take 'non-academic' options, as my mom would say, " Well have fun. Meet at the tree?"

"Yep!" They both replied in unison as they walked towards N Block.

'Great, this school day was off to a great start' I thought sourly as I took off my jacket and plugged my headphones in, I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed a strand of hair and walked out of the bathroom, right as someone smacked into me.

"Watch where your going, loser." I looked up from the ground and saw Clarke and Avery smirking at me, " Watch your attitude Clarke," I responded with cool confidence.

"Or what?" She looked me up and down and pulled a disgusted face,

"Or I'll break your jaw." I replied, I so couldn't be bothered to deal with her, or anyone for that matter, "Big talk for someone who can't even wash her clothes properly," Avery said, eyeing my grass-stained jacket that was tied around my waist.

I couldn't deal with anymore of their smart talk, I lashed out and shoved Avery against the bathroom wall and held my fist an inch away from her face.

"Lexa let go of her you phyco!" Clarke yelled. Avery was shivering and was on the verge of tears, 'not so tough now are you, pathetic cow.' I thought with satisfaction. I was about to let go when I heard a voice from behind me, "Lexa Woods, principals office, NOW."

"But I-" I began

"Mr. Lewis we didn't even do anything! I bumped into her accidentally and then she just attacked me!" Avery choked.

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