-Chapter 23-

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Lexa's POV:

Somehow I ended up in my Ex-girlfriends car, on the way to get coffee and I had just lied to my girlfriend. I closed my eyes and prayed that Clarke would forgive me if she found out. We arrived at the coffee shop and we headed inside. We ordered our drinks and sat down at a booth.

"So, how have you been?" Costia asked me, clearly trying to avoid the situation becoming awkward.

"I've been pretty good actually. How about you? You never told me where you were moving to." I could feel the pain coming back. The fact that one day she just stopped coming to school and never returned. I could see regret in her eyes and she took a deep breath.

"Yeah I uh, I moved to Arizona." She started fiddling with her hair, and I knew that meant she was nervous.

"Oh that's cool, why did you move back?" I instantly regretted what I said, "Sorry that sounded bad, I mean like wh-"

"Don't worry about it." Costia laughed, "Mom's old work called her back and needed her to work for them again, it paid better than the job mom had so here we are." She gestured around her at the coffee shop. I smiled.

"Wow that's awesome, the group will be exited to see you again."

"Yeah I'm so exited to see them!" She said enthusiastically but then her face dropped slightly, "I uh, I saw you and Clarke this morning. Are you guys friends now?" She raised an eyebrow at me. I closed my eyes, "Uh no, Clarke's my uh, girlfriend." I looked back at Costia, she had gone completely silent and I wasn't even sure she was breathing. She shook her head quickly and smiled, "Oh that's great. I'm happy for you." She tried her best to smile even though I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Costia, I just want to let you know, Clarke doesn't hangout with Avery anymore, she's changed." I looked down at my drink which was now cold. Costia folded her arms and leaned on the table.

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I just know." I said a little louder than necessary. I silently cursed myself, "Sorry, I uh-"

"No it's fine, I trust you." Costia smiled, I looked at her and smiled back.

"We should probably head back to school. Lunch is almost over." I said as I looked at my watch. Costia nodded and we paid for or drinks and headed back to school.


Costia and I walked towards the tree, I could see Raven, Mya and Jasper looking our way.

"They're all looking." Costia whispered, leaning close to me. I laughed awkwardly at her closeness.

"Yeah well they haven't seen you in ages." I replied, Clarke turned around and narrowed her eyes at me and Costia, before turning back around. I sighed, this was going to be hard.

Octavia turned aorund to see what the others were staring at and she sprung to her feet.

"Oh my god! Costia?!" She asked, surprised. She launched herself into Costia's arms.

"Hey O. How's it been?" Costia smiled and I could see the relief in her eyes that O wasn't mad at her. Raven and Monty stood up and hugged Costia as well.

"We missed you so much." Monty said from the middle of the group hug.

"I missed you guys too."

After about five minutes of hellos and catching up we all sat down again, I sat next to Clarke and tried to interlock our fingers but she quickly pulled her hand away, disguising it as her reaching for her drawing pad. She opened it and continued a sketch of a sunset. Costia looked over her shoulder.

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