-Chapter 16-

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Clarke's POV:

After I said 'I think it is' I saw Lexa's face change quickly, the look of insecurity and fear flickered across her face. I felt it too, but maybe not as strongly as Lexa. The look vanished before I really even registered that it was there. Raven, Luna and Octavia all squealed and got out their phones to start texting the group chat so I rolled my eyes and fell backwards onto the bed, laughing. I felt Octavia jump onto the bed next to me and Raven and Luna followed.

"Ugh can you guys get any more annoying?" I asked, grabbing a pillow and smacking Raven over the head with it.

"Oh trust me, we can." Luna said, grabbing a packet of chips from Lexa's bag, Luna then grabbed Lexa's hands and dragged her to sit on the bed too. We all cuddled up together and were eating chips and talking when our door opened again.

"Woah! You guys are hanging out without me?!" Mya asked, fake pouting. Harper was with her and they were standing at the doorway, "Luna we got your message and had to come over here." Harper said, catapulting herself onto the bed, Mya followed behind her.

"Sorry, we ate all the chips." Octavia stated, throwing the empty chip bag onto the floor.

"Oh I brought more from Raven and I's cabin." Harper said, pulling out two bags of chips and a chocolate bar. We opened them and continued talking. After a while I checked the time and it was 10:00pm.

"Guys what time are we supposed to have lights out?" I asked.

"9:30 apparently." Luna replied.

"It's 10:00 right now, should we text the others to tell them to meet us at the clearing?"

"I'm tired, I think I might just go back to my cabin." Harper said.

"I'm with Harper, rock climbing really wears you out." Mya agreed, and with that they both got up and left.

"Okay well now that the party poopers are gone. I'm going to message Lincoln and tell him to come to this cabin." Octavia said, pulling out her phone, Raven stopped her before she could start typing.

"Um use the radios. I didn't bring them here just to not be used." Octavia laughed and picked up the radio, "Octavia to Lincoln. Do you copy?" She said in a deep voice, Luna and Lexa started laughing.

"Lincoln to O, I copy."

"Please refer to cabin 22 for a group meeting."

"On my way, Jasper and Monty have fallen asleep I think."

Octavia put down the radio and we all cracked up laughing. Octavia smacked us all, "Leave me alone! I was just trying to sound professional." That caused us to laugh even harder. We heard a knock at the door and Octavia went to go open it.

"Well at least SOME people know how to knock." Lexa smirked, looking at Raven and Luna.

"Woah! Sorry we interrupted your make out session." Raven remarked, causing Lexa to blush slightly.

"Wait what?" Lincoln asked, clearly confused.

"Check the group chat." Lexa said, putting a hand over her face. Lincoln pulled out his phone and scrolled up. He then burst out laughing which let me and Lexa know that he had found whatever Luna had posted.

"Wow so you guys are like, official now?"

"Yes they are, okay let's gooooo!" Octavia was pulling on Lincolns sleeve and we all followed them outside to the end of camp.

"Wait guys we should go to the lake instead!" I said.

"Okay that's a great idea, let's go." Lincoln led the way to the Lake and we all sat down and were talking and having a good time when Lexa came up with one of her great ideas.

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