-Chapter 39-

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Lexa's POV:

It was in my mouth. I stood there, unable to do anything, scared to close my mouth and stared at Costia, she was buckled over and was heaving. I spat, wiped my mouth and crouched down to her level.

"I think you should tell Principal Kane, (lol sorry if it's wrong I genuinely cannot remember who is supposed to be principal.) he's right over there, how convenient." And with that, I grabbed her left arm and hauled her to her feet before marching her towards Jaha, at this point there were many people staring at us, probably because of the vomit all down my front and the fact that Costia was literally turning green.

We reached Kane and he opened his mouth, most likely to question what was going on but I interrupted him before he could begin.

"Sir, Costia has a confession." I let go of Costia's arm and for a second she looked like she was ready to bolt but her feet stayed stuck to the ground so I turned and left, deciding that it would probably be better for her to tell Kane without me near her. I spied Clarke staring at me from across the field and gave her a reassuring smile to which she returned before slowly pushing her way through the ebbing crowd towards me. When she finally managed to push the last freshman aside she looked me up and down, in my muddy uniform mixed with vomit and grass stains.

"You, look like a train wreck." She stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm aware." I replied easily, she glanced behind me to where Kane had gone pale and frozen.

"How do you think he'll handle it?" She asked, clearly worried that he will punish us for our involvement. Before I could reply Kane bursted into tears, like, not one or two, full on sobbing while Costia just stood there in shock. Clarke gently pulled my sleeve.

"We should leave." She whispered awkwardly. I nodded my head and followed her to her car that was parked in the near-empty car park.

Clarke's POV:

I dropped Lexa off at home and headed back to my house to get ready for the library with Harper, I quickly texted her to check that we were still on and then unlocked the front door and headed to the kitchen to get some food. As I walked into the kitchen I spotted a very formal letter sitting on the bench. It was opened so I figured that I could take a peek. The second I read the letter I wished I could go back in time and forget.

Dear Abigail Griffin

I am pleased to inform you that your offer for the property on 16 Ark Street has been approved. I have attached a contract below which you may fill in at your leisure. If you would like to schedule another walk through the property I am free for the next week during 9am-3pm so please give me a call on ### #### ###.

Thank You

Matthew's Real Estate

I texted Harper to let her know I couldn't go to the library anymore.

Lexa's POV:

"Wait, really?!" Octavia exclaimed, clearly shocked, "And you didn't tell me you guys had a full on investigation underway?" Clarke, Harper, Raven and I had just finished telling the group about the whole ordeal and that that's why I was late for Octavia and Raven's 'congratulations celebration' which they throw every time someone in the group does something they deem to be 'good enough' apparently me scoring two goals counts.

"That's crazy I never thought Costia would do that." Monty said, also shocked. I shrugged.

"I guess you never really know people, huh." Raven stated, leaning back into her chair and letting out a low whistle.

"I'm just glad that this is finally over." Clarke sighed, placing her arm around my shoulders, I leaned into her.

"Yeah, me two." I replied.

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