-Chapter 6-

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Clarke's POV:

When I got home I checked my phone. Still no message from Lexa. God I needed to stop looking at my phone. She would text when she would text. I put my phone down and walked into the kitchen, as I was looking in the pantry I heard my phone buzz. I ran into the lunge and grabbed my phone. It was just a text from mom. Disappointed, I read it, 'Working night shift tonight and tomorrow. Nachos in the fridge xx'. I sent back a thank you text and started to heat up the nachos mom left for me. I needed to stop acting so stupid. Lexa was just a friend. Not some guy that I liked. So why couldn't I get her off my mind?

After eating my nachos, I went down the hall and ran myself a bath. As the bath was filling up I went to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess, my hair was frizzy, I had no make-up on and my clothing choice was disgusting. What was I thinking this morning. I walked back into the bathroom and undressed and sat down in the bath. 'Maybe I should try a new hairstyle', I thought to myself, maybe it will boost my confidence. Whatever. I got out of the bath and dried myself off and got changed into my pajamas. As I walked towards my room, my phone buzzed, I checked what the notification was from and saw that it was a message from Lexa. My heart skipped a beat as I opened my messages.

Lexa: Hey Clarke. The party is at 7-whenever at 63b Polis Street.

Me: Okay awesome! Wyd?

Lexa: Reading. How about you?

Me: I just got out of the bath. I'm about to do some homework.

Lexa: See! You are such a nerd.

Me: I am not!

Lexa: Are too :P

Me: Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow

Lexa: Okay nerd

I smiled at my phone, she was so annoying. I stood up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my skin routine. After I had finished I crashed into my bed. I was asleep before I even hit the pillows.

Lexa's POV:

After Clarke left I cleaned up my room a bit before mum got home. I didn't need her to yell at me about, ' keeping your room clean is important so that you can study' Like hell I would ever study. At the thought of studying my mind drifted to Clarke, she looked so pretty today without her make-up on and her frizzy hair. I was knocked out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing, it was the group chat. I opened Snapchat and saw it was a message from Octavia,

Octavia: The party is at 7-late at 63b Polis Street

Jasper: isn't that the fancy side of town?

Harper: Yeah I think so. I can make it btw!

Raven: Oh awesome! I can take you. Monty how about you?

Monty: I'll go if Jasper goes

Me: Wow Monty, we aren't that scary.

Jasper: Nah sorry I'm out.

Monty: Me too :(

Mya: I can go too!

Raven: Okay awesome. I can pick you up too!

Me: Hey O, can you take me? I don't have a ride.

Octavia: Yeah sure!

Me: Okay thank you. Good night guys x

Jasper: yuh goodnight

Mya: Night!

Harper: Bye Lex

Raven: See you tommorow!

Octavia: Goodnight!

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