-Chapter 26-

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Still Lexa's POV:

I stepped outside and Costia turned around. She smiled at me and I checked the time on my phone, 1:43am. I rubbed my eyes.

"Costia, what are you doing here?" I asked her, feeling skeptical about her sudden appearance.

"I, I needed to talk to you." She said, shuffling from foot to foot.

"About what?" I said, taking a step forward, curious. She looked up from the ground and stared straight into my eyes. I felt my breath catch in my throat and I took a step back towards the door in shock at what I was feeling. 'Stop being stupid Lexa." I thought to myself. 'It's just Costia.' Costia took in my panicked expression and gave me a small smile.

"Lexa. I-I think I still love you." She said, holding my gaze. My heart sped up and I felt my face heat up, my gaze fell to the ground underneath my bare feet and I dug my nails into my palms. I was with Clarke, I couldn't do this to her.

"Costia, I'm wit-" I looked up as I spoke only to be cut off by Costia grabbing my face and drawing me to her. Her lips crashed onto mine and I opened my eyes in shock. She continued to kiss me, and for a second I fell into it, cherishing the familiarity of having Costia back before I remembered that Clarke was sleeping less than 20 metres away from me in the lounge. I pulled away from Costia and folded my arms to let her know not to come closer.

"Costia. I can't do this. Clarke is my girl friend." I said firmly. My eyes drifted back to Costia's lips for a second, I shook my head. 'No.'I told myself. Costia's face fell slightly, turning a shade of red as the embarrassment fell over her.

"Shit, shit, shit! I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." She said, wrapping her arms around herself. I felt my face soften.

"Costia, don't worry about it okay? We can still be friends. Right?" I replied, trying my best to comfort her. She looked back up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah that's good. Thank you Lexa." She said quietly, "I should probably go now."

"Yeah, um- I'll see you at school?" I asked, trying my best to not let anything become awkward between us.

"Yeah. See you." She said, getting back into her car. I turned around and headed back inside.

Murphy's POV:

I was on my way back from the bathroom when I heard a noise coming from outside. I noticed that the front door was slightly ajar. I walked slowly towards it and grabbed the door handle, I poked my head outside slowly. I saw two figures standing in the driveway, I couldn't really their faces very well because of the poor lighting, until one of them turned their face to the side slightly, the sensor light on top of the door turned on and I could clearly see Costia and Lexa, there faces collided and I had no idea what to make of the situation. I quickly let go of the door handle and headed back to the bathroom, I shouldn't have seen that, but I couldn't help to think of Clarke being completely oblivious to the fact that her girl friend was outside at 1am kissing another girl. I heard the front door close and I headed back to the lounge.

Clarke's POV:

I woke up to the sound of the front door closing. I lifted my head from the couch and looked to where the sound was coming from. Lexa was walking back into the lounge.

"Lexa?" I whispered. She jumped slightly.

"Yeah, hey Clarke." She replied, looking nervous, I frowned slightly, why was she acting so weird?

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I uh, I heard a noise coming from outside so I just went to check it out." She said a little too quickly, Murphy walked in from the bathroom I guessed, he nodded his head to us and lay down on top of some of the blankets and pillows.

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