-Chapter 4-

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Thursday 2nd April 2020-

Lexa's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Great I had to go back to school. I was not exited but it was better than doing jobs for mom the whole day. I debated weather I should stay in bed for another 5 minutes but I knew I would just fall asleep again. I decided on getting up and having a shower to wake me up. After my shower I grabbed some jeans and my favorite Taylor Swift shirt from 2015 which I purposefully got a large so I could have it for longer. I didn't put makeup on. I was ready. I headed downstairs and kissed my mom on the cheek.

"Someones in a good mood." mom said, raising her eyebrows in surprise, "did you miss school?"

"Not at all I just feel good today." I said

"I'm glad to hear it. I have to run. Have a good day and I'll see you tonight. Oh and do the shopping for me after school please." she said before she ran out the door. Great, now I have to walk home from the supermarket. I grabbed the shopping list off of the fridge and the $20 notes from the bench and texted O to come pick me up. Right before I hit send there was a knock on my door. I walked over and answered it and saw Clarke standing there, shuffling as if she was nervous. Well this would be good.

"Hey Lexa." She said

"Hi Clarke. Uh, what are you doing here?" I replied, suspicious.

"Oh- um well I was wondering if you needed a ride to school but you have a car parked in your driveway so-"

"I don't have my license." I stated, cutting her off

"Oh. Well why not?" She asked

"I failed it three times." I replied

At this she smiled, "Well do you want a ride or not?"

"Yeah sure but I just need to make my lunch, come in." I said

She walked into the house and I could tell that she was surprised at how big the house was. The house didn't look like much from the outside but on the inside it had 4 double bedrooms, two lounges, a kitchen, and a pool/sauna.

"Wow your house is really nice!" Clarke exclaimed

"Yeah. Thanks I guess." I replied. She went quiet for a minute. I continued to make my lunch. I could feel her eyes on me so I turned around. "What is it Clarke?" I said, as I took a drink of water. This was when she was going to say something that would piss me off, I just knew it. Probably about my choice of top but like hell I'd listen to her.

She jumped, she must've been thinking about something. "Oh- uh nothing, sorry I was just wondering. You know if it's not that much trouble. If I could sit with you at lunch today?"

I choked on the water I was drinking and started laughing. Clarke? Wants to sit with me? What is wrong with her.

"What? Is it that bad that I asked to sit with you?" She said over-top of my laughing. That made me laugh even harder. She just sat there, folding her arms and fake pouting.

"Okay, okay sorry but like, why?" I asked, I saw her face fall so I said, "Yeah sure whatever. I don't think anyone will mind." But I knew both Octavia and Raven would have something to say about this.

"Okay I've finished packing my lunch let's go." I said, walking towards the door.

"Okay." She said as she followed me towards her car.

Clarke's POV:

We got into my car. I was surprised that she even agreed to come with me, considering how cold she was to me two days ago. It took me ten minutes to knock on her front door, I was so nervous, mainly because of what Avery would think when I turned up to school with Lexa in my car but also because I was scared she would just slam the door in my face.

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