-Chapter 30-

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Lexa's POV:

I sat down against the tree with my group at lunch, there was no sign of Clarke or Harper, my guess is that Clarke had heard the news and she would most definitely be upset about it, it spread pretty quickly around this school, considering that everyone knew Avery.

"What do you think happened?" Raven asked quietly.

"The police believe it was suicide." Octavia replied, trying not to linger on the subject, Lincoln put his arm around her. and she nuzzled closer to him. No one in our group particularly liked Avery but it was definitely an unpleasant shock.

"Oh." Raven went quiet and took a bite of her sandwich.

"Well, do you guys want to come to my house at 7 for a movie tonight?" Jasper asked, trying to start the conversation again. Monty, Mya and Murphy shrugged. Murphy had kind of just added himself into the group and no one really minded, he was surprisingly funny but today he was quiet.

"Yeah, I'll come." I said, I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to look. It was Costia, she was smiling.

"Damn it! I was going to scare you." She laughed and I smiled slightly. She plonked herself down beside me, she took in everyone's solemn expression and pulled a curious face, "What's wrong with you guys?" She asked. I put my hand on Costia's shoulder to shut her up, she looked at me and I whispered what had happened into her ear. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"Shit! Sorry I didn't know." She looked down at the ground and I saw regret flood into her features, she noticed that I was watching her and the expression vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

"It's okay." Monty and Mya replied at the same time. The conversation went dead for a few minutes until I saw Harper and Clarke walking towards us.

"Hey!" Jasper called out a little too happily. Clarke gave Jasper a small smile before she met my gaze, her face went red and she looked at the ground, I felt my own face get hotter and I started picking at the grass by my knee. Octavia hit me on the knee and when I looked up she gave me a look that screamed, 'Go talk to her!' I shook my head, I did not want to talk to her about what happened at her house around the rest of our group. Plus by the look on Clarke's face, she had much bigger things on her mind. After 20 minutes of small talk, our group decided on a movie night at Jasper's house. The bell rang and I headed to my last class.


I walked into my house and let out a massive sigh. Luna had gone to Raven's house, Maddy was probably at one of her friend's houses and mom was at work so I had the house to myself. I put my headphones in and sat down on the couch with music playing. I tried to find the motivation to go for a run but I was just too tired. The front door opened, I assumed it was Luna so I didn't bother looking. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I took out my headphone and turned to look at who it was. Clarke. I immediately sat up straighter and pulled out the other headphone.

"Clarke. Hi." I said, slightly out of breath for no reason.

"Hey." Clarke replied, walking around the couch and sitting down next to me.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously, hoping that i didn't seem rude. Clarke looked at me and I immediately could tell why she was here, "Oh, right." I looked down at the ground, unsure of what I could say to make her feel better when I suddenly felt her lean her head on my shoulder. I gently moved my arm around Clarke's shoulders. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I just can't believe it." She whispered. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm.

"I'm really sorry, Clarke." I replied, I had no idea what she was going through. I know that Avery and her were very close until the start of this year so I could only imagine the emotions she was feeling. Clarke sighed again and I saw a tear slip down her cheek. she quickly wiped it away and sat up straight. I removed my arms from around her.

"It wasn't your fault, don't apologize." She said, her voice had changed completely and I could tell she was pushing back her emotions, she stood up and I looked at her, "We should get ready to go to Jasper's."

Clarke's POV:

I drove Lexa and I to Jasper's house, Monty, Octavia, Lincoln, Murphy, Raven, Luna and Mya were already there watching 'How I Met Your Mother.' Lexa and I walked into the lounge, we sat down next to each other but not too close, considering we still had a lot to work out. Everything was so overwhelming and I felt very on edge. There was a knock at the door and Jasper stood up to go open it. When he came back he was followed by Costia. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the tv screen. Like hell I wanted to talk, or look, at her. Lexa noticed and gave me a look that said, 'I'm Sorry,' l shrugged my shoulders and stood up to grab some popcorn that was on the coffee table.

"Clarke!Grab me some too?"Costia called, l rolled my eyes surreptitiously and put a handful of popcorn on a plate for Costa, I handed her the plate a bit too aggressively and some of the popcorn spilled onto her lap. She gave me a look but l ignored it and sat down next to Harper , Lexa looked upset but I shrugged it off, seeing Costia had made anger boil in my stomach and l didn't like it.

"Hey guys. I'm not feeling too good, I'm going to head home," I looked at Lexa," Can you get a ride home?" Lexa nodded and l stood up.

"What?! It's only 9!" Octavia exclaimed. l shrugged and said goodbye to everyone and headed outside. Once l got to the footpath I sat down on the curb and let out a deep sigh, today had been exhausting and I didn't end up having lunch with Bellamy. l pulled out my phone and typed him a message.

Clarke: Hey Bell,sorry l didn't meet you at lunch. I had a bad day.

Bellamy:Yeah that's understandable, I heard about what happened. Want to talk about it?

I furrowed my eyebrows, slightly confused, Bellamy was actually not that bad. Well he wasn't acting like a dick as he usually did.

Clarke: Thanks for the offer but I'm really tired. I'll see you tomorrow?

Bellamy: Most definitely :) Goodnight

Clarke: Goodnight.

I put my phone back into my pocket and got into my car to head home.

I walked into the house and the first thing I saw was mom. She was sitting on the couch in the lounge staring at the blank t.v screen. I walked slowly, I almost made it to the staircase but mom called my name.

"Clarke." She said. I felt my back stiffen at my name, I turned around slowly

"Yes?" I ask cautiously, mom sighed and patted the cushion beside her. I hesitated before slowly walking and sitting down beside her.

" We need to talk." She stated quietly. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

" What do you want to talk about?" I folded my arms, I already knew what she wanted to talk about. Mom sighed.

"I don't like our relationship at the moment." I let out a laugh.

" Should have thought about that before you slapped me."

"Clarke. I'm sorry. " I could hear in her voice that she meant it. I stayed silent, completely lost for words. Mom had never apologized to me before. "Clarke, please say something."

" Do you support me?" I asked quietly.

" What?" Mom asked, confused.

" Do you support me? " I asked again, slightly louder. Mom looked taken aback at the raw emotion in my voice.

" I don't know. But I'll try. I really will." I felt tears fill my eyes at her word.

"That's good enough for me. " I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up. Mom grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I melted into her embrace , happy that I could, maybe, have a mom again.

"Are you hungry?" She asked me. I nodded and we walked into the kitchen together. At least one good thing came out of today.

This story just hit 5k reads?! Wow. Thank you all so much for supporting this story. I really appreciate you all and I know I say that way too much. Anyways, thank you all. <3

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