-Chapter 34-

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Clarke's POV:

I sat at the table awkwardly while mom and Mr, Kane made small talk about his job, how the weather was, what they enjoy doing and so on. I felt like sinking into the floor at that point. Why were old people so weird on dates? Eventually their conversation drew to a halt and there was an awkward thirty second silence which mom managed to save by telling me to get the pudding out of the fridge. When I came back they were laughing. Maybe they were just awkward around their kids.


I lay in bed several hours later staring at the ceiling, I was thinking about Lexa, mainly about what she was hiding from me. When she said that she couldn't tell me what was on her mind I didn't feel sad, or angry or even surprised. In fact I kind of expected it which worried me slightly. As if on queue my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID, Lex, I smiled and answered.

"Hello Lexa." I answered. I heard her release a breath.

"Hey Clarke, are you free?" I checked my dad's watch which was resting on my bedside table, 10:09pm.

"It's a school night." I replied.

"Okay, and?" I could hear the smirk that was definitely plastered on her face.

"Whatever. Let me guess, you're outside?" I pulled my blinds apart slightly and sure enough, Lexa was standing below my window and, as predicted, she had a smirk playing on her lips, she waved to me and I rolled my eyes, "I'll be right down." I hung up my phone and quickly changed into jeans and a white t-shirt before heading downstairs and opening the door, mom and Kane had left to go to the bar or something which surprised me, considering that mom had work tomorrow. I stepped outside and a shiver crawled it's way up my spine as my bare foot hit the freezing cold concrete. I looked up from the ground and saw Lexa leaning against the side of the house.

"You really need to warn me before showing up out of the blue." I said, releasing a light laugh. Lexa shrugged.

"Well, if I come over uninvited you can't say no." She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I leaned back into her arms so that I could look up at her properly.

"Well I guess that makes sense." After that we just stared at each other for a few minutes. I feel like both of us had something to say in that moment but didn't know how to bring it up.

"I need to-"

"I think we sh-" We both started, we laughed at the awkward silence that came after that.

"You go first." I said. Lexa took her arms away from my waist and I instantly missed the contact.

"Well, I just want to explain myself about Costia." She replied.

"Okay?" I said giving her a questioning look. I had already forgiven her, so why was she bringing it up?

"I just want you to know that, I didn't want, or know that she was going to kiss me. It just happened, and I did tell her afterwards that I was with you." Her voice trailed off and she looked into my eyes. I smiled.

"Okay. I trust you." I said, but I felt a pang of guilt knowing that I had just lied to her. I really wanted to trust her in that moment but I just, couldn't.

"What were you going to say?" Lexa asked, noticing the slight frown on my face.

"Oh, nothing important." I stammered. Deciding that this probably wasn't the best time to talk about what happened at my house a few days ago.

"Well if it's on your mind, tell me." Lexa smiled, nudging me with her shoulder.

"Well. My mom's dating Mr, Kane." I said matter-of-factly. Lexa's jaw dropped before curving into a smirk.

"No way. Didn't we just break into his house?" I quickly put my hand over her mouth to muffle her voice even though I knew mom and Mr, Kane were out.

"Wake the whole neighborhood why don't you." I said in a raspy whisper-talk voice.

"Okay sorry." Lexa giggled and I raised my eyebrows. Lexa definitely wasn't the kind of person to giggle, "Can we watch a movie, considering your mom is out?" She gave me puppy eyes, she must have seen that mom's car wasn't in the driveway and I sighed, admitting defeat. We walked into my house and I switched on the tv while Lexa searched for a movie from the cupboard.

Lexa's POV:

I couldn't concentrate on the movie because of Costia. Her tired face, her stony and expressionless expressions, they all made me even more convinced that she was the one who did this, as much as I hated to think about it. I also couldn't focus on the movie because of Clarke's thigh resting against my own but I wouldn't let myself dwell on that thought for the fear that Clarke would surely be able to hear my heart racing. By the time the credits started and Clarke shifted to turn off the TV it was 12:15am. I stretched and so did she. She then stood up and offered me her hand. I took it and she led me to the kitchen where she cooked up some microwave popcorn.

"You know, you're supposed to eat popcorn during the movie." I pointed out. Clarke just shrugged and I rolled my eyes, "I should probably head home. It's late." I nodded my head towards the clock that was displayed above her fridge. I stood up to leave but Clarke grabbed my arm.

"Who's to say you can't stay here?" She offered with a glint in her eye.

"I know someone who might." I said.

"My mom can deal with it." She said. Leading me up to her room. I felt my heart race and it felt like my wrist was burning from the contact with Clarke. I swallowed and let her drag me to her room.

Hey guys!! First off, sorry for the short chapter and the cliffhanger ;). My laptop decided to break so I have to write on my phone but hopefully I'll be able to use my laptop by next week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and let me know what you want to read more of!

Thank you for reading :)

-Author <3

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