-Chapter 41-

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Clarke's POV :

"Shit." Lexa laughed, attempting for the third time to remove her shirt from underneath me. I smiled and gently helped her untangle her shirt from her hair, throwing it to the floor and I took in the sight below me, Lexa was panting and her face was still red. We had, very aggressively, made our way to Lexa's bed and immediately began undressing  each other. Although we quickly found out that it wasn't as easy as the movies made it look.

I leaned down and began peppering her collarbone with kisses, inching slowly towards her breast, with every kiss Lexa would squirm more. I smiled and looked her in the eye as I grabbed the cup of her bra, I raised my eyebrow at her and she nodded frantically. I took that as a 'yes' and pulled it down, gently sucking on her nipple.

"Oh my god." She breathed, grinding her hips into my stomach. I felt all the heat in my body flood south. I reached my hand behind her and she lifted up her back so that I could unclasp her bra and throw that to the pile of clothing on the floor, once I had done that my hand found it's way to her other breast and began palming it, earning a series of small moans from Lexa as she tried desperately to keep quiet. My heart was beating so fast that I was convinced it was going to explode. I was extremely nervous but too turned on to care at that moment about losing my virginity. Lexa noticed that I was looking a bit doubtful and she tilted my chin towards her.

"Hey, if you don't want to it's okay. I don't want to rush you." She breathed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I released a sigh.

"No, I want to. But, just, let me know if you want me to stop or if you aren't comfortable. You don't have to accept anything. Okay?" I ran my hands down her sides making her shiver and she nodded, swallowing before saying.

"I love you, Clarke." My eyes flicked up to hers in surprise.

"I love you too." I replied, she smiled and ran her hands up my thighs. I literally expected my heart to blow up at that point. Because, I really did love her. More than I knew.

"Get here." She pulled me down and continued running her hands over my thighs while I worked on her neck and pushed my hands into her jeans, feeling her entire body shake as she released a louder moan, I smirked and moved my lips back to hers to keep her quiet, in case Luna decided to come home from Raven's. I gently moved my hand further into her jeans and could feel the wetness soaking through her underwear. Lexa was grabbing at my back and grinding herself into my hand, encouraging me to go further.

"Someone's impatient." I teased, moving my hand further away from where she wanted, instead I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs, she gratefully shook them the rest of the way off and pulled me back to her lips, my hand was resting on her hip until she began pushing it back towards her center. Moaning when my fingers reached the hem of her underwear. I smiled and kissed her quickly before I moved my way down her body and settled myself between her legs. I kissed her overtop of her underwear first before using both of my hands to pull them off her legs. I looked up to her and she bit her lip, nodding. I pressed my lips against her and she let out the literal hottest sound I had ever heard in my life. I didn't really know what I was doing so I just followed a figure of eight pattern, enjoying the sounds Lexa let out every time I licked a certain spot.

"Shit, Clarke, please." She moaned. Tangling her hands into my hair and grinding into my tongue. I reached one of my hands up and pinned her to the bed by her waist.

"Clarke!" She cried. I had never been so attracted to the way someone said my name before. There was sweat beading on Lexa's forehead and I took that as a sign to gently push a finger into her entrance. Lexa's eyes shot open and her mouth opened but no sound came out. I continued my pattern with my tongue and worked my finger in and out of her. Keeping one of my hands on her waist to keep her still.

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