-Chapter 14-

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Lexa's POV:

"LEXA WAKE UP!" Luna yelled from next to my bed, I reached my hand out and smacked her.

"Go awayyyyyyy." I moaned.

"Lexa, we have to be at school at 6:00 for the buses."

"WHAT?! What the fuck is the time now?"


"Ugh holy shit why so early?" I rolled onto my stomach and put my pillow over my head. I felt Luna tug the sheets off of me and grab my feet.

"LUNA NO! NO!" I yelled as she dragged me off the bed. I hit the ground with a thump.

"Oops, sorry." Luna laughed as she left my room. I got up, stretched and had a shower. I got changed into my white crop top and some denim jeans, grabbed my bags and headed downstairs for breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, Luna was cooking pancakes.

"There she is!" Luna said. I looked over the counter and saw Maddy was sitting in one of the bar stools.

"Why is she up so early?" I asked Luna.

"I heard you yelling at Luna and I also want early morning pancakes." Maddy said, checking her phone.

"When did you get a phone Maddy?" I asked her.

"Luna gave it to me, she got a new one." I nodded and bit into a pancake.

"So. What's going to happen with Clarke today?" Luna asked me with a sly smile. I grinned.

"I don't know. It depends how jealous she is."

"Why is Clarke jealous?" Maddy asked, looking up from her phone momentarily.

"Because she thinks you are my second girlfriend."

"EW! Why?"

"She heard your voice come from my room when you were making that necklace. But she didn't see that it was you."

"Ohh. Right." Maddy said, biting into a pancake with a thoughtful expression, "So why did she suddenly think that I'm your girlfriend?"

"Because she likes Lexa." Luna said. Maddy giggled.

"Shut up Luna." I check the time, 5:15. "I'm going to brush my teeth and then we should leave."

"Okay." Luna said, grabbing some junk food for the 4 hour bus trip. I headed upstairs and started brushing my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was messy and my skin was bare of makeup. I put my hair into a messy bun and headed back downstairs. This was going to be a fun day.

Clarke's POV:

I arrived at school at 5:45am and was instantly greeted by O and Harper. I had gotten my hair cut yesterday so now it was hanging just below my ears. Most of our year group was already there.

"Hey Clarke. I love the hair!" Harper called out as I walked towards them with my luggage.

"Thanks Harper! Hey guys."

"Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept." O said, with a worried expression on her face.

"I haven't."

"Oh no. What happened?" Harper asked.

"I went to Lexa's house on Sunday to apologize and she had another girl with her." O and Harper nodded, not asking any questions, Raven must have told them about what happened.

"That must suck. She probably wasn't thinking straight." Octavia said.

"Well. Clearly not. She had a girl with her." Harper said, which made us all laugh. Raven jogged up to us, she had two massive suitcases with her.

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