-Chapter 15-

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A/N Cringe warning, very fluffy stuff :)

Clarke's POV:

Our group and I sat down at a large table and ate our lunch which consisted of chocolate biscuits Mya brought from her house because the camp food definitely did not look very appetizing. Once most of us had finished eating, Mr. Jaha stood at the front of the dining hall and started reading out the activity groups.

"Cabins 1-5, you are in activity group one, cabins 6-10, you are in activity group two, cabins 11-15, you are in activity group number three, cabins 16-20 you are in activity group number four and cabins 21-25, you are in group five." He began listing off where we would meet our camp instructors but I stopped listening. I had to spend all week with Lexa? I was her roommate AND I had to be in the same activity group as her. I was still mad at her and had to keep reminding myself that every time I thought about what happened in the cabin.

"Hey Clarke we are in the same group!" Harper said excitedly.

"Yay! I wonder what activity we are going to do first?" I asked.

"We have a bush hike first."

"That sounds awesome. I should bring my drawing stuff and maybe do some drawings if we get a rest."

"Good idea, I'll bring my camera." With that, me and Harper started talking about artsy stuff. Very soon, we were interrupted by Lexa.

"I'm still here, you know." Lexa asked. Me and Harper looked at her, then at the now empty dining hall.

"Oh. Where did everyone go?" Harper asked Lexa.

"They left about two minutes ago to find their instructors. Come on." We got up and followed her out the door. Suddenly, Harper turned around.

"I left my phone in there, you guys go ahead, I'll catch up." I saw her wink at Lexa and decided that this was definitely planned. Once she disappeared into the dining hall, Lexa turned to me, I continued walking towards the lake where we were supposed to meet our instructor. Lexa caught up to me.


"What." I asked, annoyed.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"I don't know."

"Well I'm going to tell you anyways." I looked at her, hoping to show her how annoyed I was.

"The girl in my room on Sunday, was my 13 year old cousin, Maddy, she was making a necklace." My jaw dropped and she burst out laughing. Then I realized something.

"So you let me believe that you were with someone else, just to get back at me for being asked out by Bellamy?" I felt my anger coming back.

"Well originally yes. But then I let it go on a little longer because you're cute when your jealous." She said with a smirk. I felt myself blush and I smiled.

"Wow, Lexa Woods, having a crush on Clarke Griffin? Never heard of that before." Finn said, we both turned to look at him, he had been eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Shut it, Finn." I said.

"Why should I do that Princess?" He said with a cocky grin, "Don't want people to know about your little relationship?" He pointed at me and then Lexa. I turned around and stopped walking. He almost hit into me and nearly lost his balance, however before he could regain it, I kicked his chin which brought him to his knees, I then grabbed his head and pushed him into the ground. He cried out at the pain and me and Lexa ran away from him and towards the lake, Lexa was laughing so hard I thought she was going to fall over too. When we finally managed to regain our composure and get to the lake, Harper was already there. She gave Lexa a curious glance and Lexa responded to it with a smile and she attempted to grab my hand. I was hesitant at first and pulled away, I didn't know weather I wanted everyone to know but after checking behind me and seeing that no one was watching, I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers. She looked at me and smiled.

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