-Chapter 12-

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Clarke's POV:

Friday. Party. Tonight. I got up, had breakfast, did my hair, teeth, and makeup. I decided on wearing a black tank top, a leather jacket and jeans. I styled my hair and was ready to go to school when I got a text.

Lexa- Good Morninggg, pick me up :)

Clarke- Of course, because you asked so nicely :P

Lexa- xx

I got into my car and drove to Lexa's house. When I got there Lexa was standing in the driveway with another girl. I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly shoved it away. Lexa and the other girl got in the car.

"Hey Clarke. This is Luna, she's my cousin and she's staying with me for a while." I looked at Luna.

"Hey Luna, I'm Clarke." I smiled at her.

"Oh trust me. I know all about you." She smirked at Lexa. Lexa reached behind her to smack Luna on the arm. Luna caught it and twisted it enough to make Lexa grimace.

"Okay, okay! Sorry. Let go." Luna released Lexa's arm.

"So how long have you two known each other?" She asked.

"Since grade 9 I think?" I looked at Lexa.

"Yeah something like that." Lexa said.

"Ooh okay okay. So you two have been friends for quite a while?" Luna assumed.

"Well. I wouldn't say friends." I smirked.

"Wow this is getting interesting. Spill."

I started telling Luna about how we met and how we weren't friends to begin with but she cut me off with a gasp.
"NO WAY! LEXA IS THIS THE GIRL YOU ALWAYS COMPLAINED ABOUT?!" Lexa rubbed her eyes with her hand.

"Yes, Luna this is the girl." She said. I smirked at her.

"No. Way. Oh my god." Luna was laughing uncontrollably. We arrived at school and walked up to the tree to meet our friends. As we were walking up to them, Luna grabbed Lexa's arm and whispered something to which she replied, "Oh, her? That's Raven." Luna whispered something else. "Yes, Luna. She's single." I smiled.

"So Luna do you go to this school?" I asked.

"No but my mom kicked me out so I have a temporary enrollment here." I was about to ask why she was kicked out but decided it was probably personal.

"Hey guys! Oh my god! Luna!" O ran up to Luna and they embraced in a gigantic hig. It seemed like O already knew her.

"It's so good to see you again, O." Luna said. We sat down and Lexa introduced Luna to the group.

"How does O know Luna?" I whispered to Lexa.

"O has been my friend since third grade so they've met before. They haven't seen each other in about three years I think." She whispered back. I nodded. The bell went and we all went to our classes. Luna had Maths with me so we walked together.

Lexa's POV:
After my first two classes I had a free period so I decided to head to the library to get some work done for my maths assignment.
After about 20 minutes I had written about two pages of notes when I heard a group of people enter the library. I turned around and saw Finn, Bellamy and some other guys talking obnoxiously loud. Bellamy looked towards me and patted one of his friends on the shoulder and pointed towards me. I rolled my eyes and turned back towards my work. There was no way this was going to be good. Bellamy hated me and I hated Bellamy. I don't know why but we did. I heard Bellamy and his friend behind me but I pretended I didn't notice. They were close enough that I could hear their conversation, "Oh yeah did you hear what happened at the party last week?" I tried to ignore him as best I could.

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