-Chapter 28-

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Clarke's POV:

I got home from school and noticed that Lexa's motorcycle was in my driveway. I rolled my eyes and got out of my car. As I walked up to the front door I saw Lexa standing next to it. I tried to push past her and unlock the door but she grabbed my wrist.

"Clarke, please let me explain." She started. I spun myself around to face her and I took a step towards her, she took a step back, her face a mixture of surprise and fear.

"Try." I spat, folding my arms. Lexa looked extremely intimidated and I felt a hint of satisfaction, Lexa pursed her lips and I could see that she was thinking of lying. I waited a few more seconds but she didn't say anything, "Okay then." I said, turning away from her and unlocking the door. I walked into the house and tried to close the door but Lexa grabbed my hand, I wanted to shake it off but I couldn't bring myself to. I turned and looked into Lexa's eyes, they were filled with pain and regret. I felt anger rising in my throat. At myself, for not shaking Lexa off, and at Lexa for starting this.

"Let. Go." I said aggressively. She didn't, instead she reached her other hand forward and grabbed my right one which still had the house keys in them. The keys tumbled to the floor and I felt the tears filling my eyes. I quickly shook her hands off of mine, finally finding the strength to do so, a mixture of rage and betrayal swirling in my stomach. Lexa's face became stoic and blank.

"Clarke." She said, her voice was different to the one I was now used to, her voice was empty, monotonous. She was cutting me off, not showing her emotions, "I'm sorry and if you can't accept it then that's on you. I know what I did was wrong but if you're not willing to talk about it and let us work this out then we might as well call whatever we are off." She said, not a hint of emotion in her voice. Confusion clouded in my brain as I tried to work out what she just said. I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"You don't even care? Do you." I said, pain and longing betraying myself. I needed to sound strong but it was hard to do that when my world was crumbling, Lexa was all I had left, my mom hated me and my dad was dead, Lexa understood me better than anyone I knew. Lexa's face betrayed her for a split second and I saw the pain.

"I do care about you Clarke. But I think that if you aren't going to let us talk it out then there's really no point in continuing this half ass relationship." I looked into her eyes, trying to get an emotion out of her, her face remained stoic. The tears were running freely now, both of anger and pain.

"Shut up." I said. Lexa looked up from the ground in surprise.

"What?-" She started.

"I said, shut up." I grabbed Lexa's face and drew her to me. The kiss was angry, sad and confused. Lexa broke the kiss slightly.

"Clarke are you-"

"What did I just say." I whispered into her lips before connecting them again. The kiss became more heated and Lexa moved her hands onto my lower waist. I tangled my hands in her hair and pushed her into the now closed front door. Her hands gripped my shirt and I moved my hands to the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. There was a loud knock at the door and I quickly pushed myself away from Lexa and fixed my top. Lexa took a few steps away from the door to allow me to open it. I took a deep breath and opened in.

"Hi, delivery for Abby Griffin?" A young postal guy was standing awkwardly at the door with a large package. "Yeah, that's my mom." I said. The boy nodded and handed me the package. I took the box and signed my mothers name on his notepad. I shut the door and walked into the kitchen, trying my best to not look at Lexa. I placed the box down on the counter and headed up the stairs.

"Clarke?" Lexa called, clearly confused.

"Just leave." I said before continuing up the stairs, a small smirk on my face. I heard the front door open and close. I walked into my room and threw myself into the bed. What the fuck did I just do? I was mad at Lexa but I just couldn't stand to look at her masked face for another second. I covered my face with my hands and I felt my cheeks heat up at the memory of what had just happened.

"Well, fuck." I said into the empty room.

Lexa's POV:

I left Clarke's house with a confused smile on my face. What the fuck did she just do? I closed my eyes and shook my head slightly, willing the thoughts that were in my head to go away. They didn't. I put on my motorcycle helmet and got onto my motorcycle. I had to tell Luna.

"I'm home!" I called when I walked through the front door.

"In here!" My mom called from the kitchen, she was dressed up again and looked like she was going out. I had found out that she was dating some new guy and intended to bring him over for dinner next week which I was exited for. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Where's Luna?" I asked, taking a bite of the apple. Mom shrugged her shoulders.

"She's probably upstairs with Raven." She replied.

"Do you think it's safe for me to go find her?" Mom's eyes widened at my words and she turned to head up the stairs, "I'm kidding mom! They have only been going out for a month." I laughed and passed her on the stairs, I could almost hear her eye roll as I walked up the rest of the stairs.

I opened Luna's door, "Luna I have so much to tell yo-" I stopped dead, Luna, Raven and Maddy were all sitting on the floor playing Monopoly. They looked up at me and I frowned.

"Damn okay then don't invite me." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, we only just started if you want to join!" Maddy replied enthusiastically, I laughed and sat down next to Maddy and opposite Luna and Raven.

"So, Lexa, what do you have to tell me?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow. I glanced to Maddy and gave Luna a face that I hoped said, 'not in front of her.' Luna didn't get the message and continued to stare at me expectantly. I sighed and put my hands over Maddy's ears. Maddy groaned but didn't complain.

"Clarke kissed me." I said excitedly. Both Raven and Luna's jaw's dropped. Ravens mouth curved into a smile.

"No way! Isn't she like really mad at you or something?" She asked, I had recently filled both of them in on the whole situation. Luna was still staring at me with utter confusion.

"I thought she was too but I guess not." I replied, my arms were getting tired from reaching over Maddy's ears so I let my arms fall to the ground.

"Wait, was it like a 'get out of here I hate you' kiss or a, 'You're hot when you're mad so kiss me.' kind of kiss?" Luna asked. I quickly put my hands back over Maddy's ears but it was too late, Maddy cracked up laughing and I sighed.

"Wow, so much for 'don't ruin her innocence.'" I rolled my eyes and Luna shrugged, "Sorry about that cricket." I said, patting Maddy's shoulder.

"Yeah um, I'm gonna leave now." Maddy replied, looking slightly uncomfortable. She got up and shot out of the door. I turned back to Raven and Luna, Raven was giving the floor a thoughtful expression.

"There's no such thing as a 'I hate you kiss' Luna." She said, giving Luna a pointed look.

"Yes there is!" Luna replied and with that they started arguing about weather or not there was such a thing as an 'I hate you kiss.' I sighed and rolled my eyes before standing up and walking out the door, they didn't even notice that I was gone. I got to my room and quickly got out my phone. I rung the familiar number and put the phone to my ear.

"Local Morgue Services. You kill'em we chill'em." The person said as they picked up.

"Octavia, I need to ask you for advice." I said, rolling my eyes. I heard her sigh on the other end.

"Diner in 20 minutes?" She offered

"I'll be there." I hung up the phone and got my stuff ready to go.

Hey guys sorry for the wait! School recently just started up this Monday so I have been busy getting back into routine, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. Thank You so much for 100 story votes! I think that I will update once or twice a week from now on. And as always. Thank you for reading :)

-Author <3

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