-chapter 11-

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Lexa's POV:
I woke up to my alarm and slammed my hand onto the snooze button. I got up, did my morning routine and before I knew it I was in Octavia's car and at the coffee shop. We got our coffees and headed out school, late as usual. I walked into my Physics class and Ms. Robinson looked at me with disapproval.

"Lexa, you are late."

"Really? I thought I was early." I replied, sitting down at an empty desk.

" I don't appreciate that attitude young lady."

"What a shame." Some of the class muffled giggles. What I said wasn't even that funny. I looked towards the front of the room and saw Ms. Robinson pulling the most offended face. I covered my mouth before a laugh could escape.

"Do you think this is funny, Lexa?"

"Absolutely not Ms. Robinson." I was still trying my best not to laugh.

"I thought so." She turned back towards the board and continued her boring lesson on Thermodynamics or something.

"Hey Lexa." Someone said. I turned to look at who it was. Finn. Great.

"Hi Finn. How's your face?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

"It's doing well. Thanks for asking. Here. I thought you might want to see this." He handed me a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and took a look. It was a drawing of me. I stared at it. It was so realistic. The only color on the drawing was my eyes and it made them pop out. I was wearing my soccer uniform and it looked like I was having a rest. My eyes skimmed over the page and at the very bottom I saw a small signature that said, CG. Clarke Griffin. I looked back to Finn.

"Where did you get this?" I asked him.

"Clarke dropped it at the beach a couple of days ago, and I haven't been able to give it back to her so I figured I could give it to you. Considering you see her more than me."

"Right." The bell rang after the longest Physics lesson in history and I headed towards my next class. I heard some whispering, I looked up and saw Avery and one other girl looking in my direction. They diverted their gaze quickly when they saw me looking and continued to laugh and whisper. I rolled my eyes and continued walking past them, the girl Avery was with stuck her foot out and tripped me up, my school books flew out of my hands and I fell onto the ground. The girl and Avery started laughing hysterically. I shot up and grabbed the girls collar.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I yelled. People stopped and stared at us.

"Emily. Let's go." Avery said, trying to put Emily out of my grasp. I shoved Avery's hand away and looked at Emily. She raised her hand and slapped me across the face. I was stunned for a second at the sting but it wasn't enough to make me let go. I raised my hand into a fist and punched her in the face. She grabbed my hair and started pulling and clawing at my face. I ignored the stinging pain and delivered an uppercut straight into her stomach. She buckled over and started sobbing. Avery quickly grabbed her friend and dragged her away. I felt something tickle my lip. I touched the spot and my finger came away with blood on it. I turned and looked around me. Lot's of people were staring and more than a few had their phones out. I spotted Clarke among the crowd. I quickly diverted my gaze and speed walked to the nearest bathroom.

I got into the M Block bathroom and started dabbing at my lip with a tissue. I could see a small bruise forming next to my right eye but I didn't mind. Emily definitely got the worst of it I thought with satisfaction. I heard the toilet door slam open. I turned and saw Clarke standing there.

"Why did you do that?" She asked, folding her arms.

"Do what?"

"Why did you attack Emily?"

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