Chapter 2

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Josh looked around as his niece was definitely freaking out over Maya who still hasn't been found.
A window burst opens causing everyone to get a fright including Riley who wasn't having the best time possible.
He exhaled as he knew it was going to be a roller coaster of emotions.

"She's going to be found, Riley. I know it," Josh said.
"How? They haven't found her yet," Riley said as she started to cough.
"Are you okay?" Lucas asked and she nod.
"Just a bit of smoke. We have to find her Josh," Riley said.
"Well you're not going anywhere near the school. You can eed to get some air on. You definitely inhaled some of the smoke," Josh said as he suddenly clicked where Maya could be.
"Lucas, stay here with Riley. I know where Maya is," Josh said rushing into the school.

Lucas looked over at Riley who clearly did get a lot of smoke in her lungs.
He sighed as he put a arm around her waiting for news on Maya.
He can't believe she would do something like this.
Not in a million years would he have thought this is the life that they are leading.

"Lucas," Riley said and he looked at his girlfriend of the past two years.
"Yeah?" Lucas said.
"I don't feel..." Riley said as she collapsed.
"Riley!" Lucas said and the paramedics on scene came rushing to her.

Josh was in the school and there were clearly smoke everywhere.
He had a hard time figuring out if he was anywhere near where he had to be.
He sighed as he saw a classroom which did look familiar.
He opened the door immediately finding the girl in there unaware of what was going on.

"Josh?" Maya asked.
"Thank goodness. There's a fire. We gotta get you out of here," Josh said as Maya started to panic.
"What?" Maya asked.
"Come we gotta get you..." Josh said as he saw flames immediately closing the door.
"We need to find another way out," Josh said.

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