Chapter 11

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With the struggle of bringing his girlfriend back home he finally did.
Riley was fast asleep on Lucas's chest and he didn't actually know what to do.
He smiled as he gave her a kiss trying to wake her up.

"Sweetheart, wake up," Lucas said and Riley looked at him.
"Let me sleep," Riley said and Lucas smiled.
"No. Wake up," Lucas said.
"I'll give you a 100000$," Riley said and Lucas smiled.
"And where are you gonna get that? Sleep ahead, Princess," Lucas said as Riley closed her eyes once again.


Josh and Maya were at the exact same place they were two hours ago just watching a old movie since Josh didn't know what else to do with the girl.
Maya yawned as she saw the time but didn't actually wanna go back home.

"You tired?" Josh asked.
"Tired of riddles," Maya said and Josh looked at her.
"Why do I have the idea you are talking about..."
"Us? Cause I am. Josh I'm tired of not knowing where I stand with you," Maya said.
"You know where you stand with me. Where you have stood with me for years. Nothing had changed," Josh said.
"What about the fire? The way you rescued me..."
"Maya, just stop!" Josh shouted and Maya looked at him.
"My mind didn't change. Neither did the fire make it change!" Josh said and Maya nod as she grabbed her handbag and went out of the dorm.

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