Chapter 9

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Maya looked as Riley cleaned herself by the basin as she had tried to think how she must have felt.
Puking as much as she did couldn't be fun and now she seriously wasn't getting enough sleep while she was puking pretty bad.

"Charlie Gardner and Missy Bradford better stay away. Lucas is on the warpath with Charlie and Missy can't make it any easier for you guys," Maya said.
"I know. Gosh, when is this going to stop? I feel like a puking machine," Riley said as Smackle came into the bathroom.
"Your boyfriend is worried. You okay?" Smackle asked.
"As okay as I can be," Riley joked.
"Just nausea. It's normal. Maybe you should just take it easy. A Teen pregnancy isn't easy for anyone. Just stay calm and remember not everything is as bad as it seems," Maya said as she left the bathroom.

She exhaled as she knew her best friend was possibly going through hell but she couldn't do anything to actually help her.
All she could do was to be there which wasn't a whole lot.
She could practically do nothing to help her best friend which got to her pretty bad.

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