Chapter 3

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Maya was sitting aside at the piano as Josh tried to think of what he is going to do with the girl.
The flames got higher and higher and as time went by he could see it was getting very dangerous for both of them to necessarily stay inside the school.

"How did you know where to find me?" Maya asked as Josh looked at her.
"Lucky guess. You told me once you like music more than anything else so I took a lucky shot. We need to get out of here," Josh said as he looked around.
"We're not getting out of here soon. All the windows have locks on them," Maya said.
"Maybe I can break them," Josh said.
"Josh," Maya said stopping him as he looked at her.
"Thank you for looking for me," Maya said as Josh could hear the young girl was petrified.

He nod as he went to the window trying to get something out of there.
After ten minutes he gave up and saw flames high up against the glass of the door.

"Josh," Maya said scared and he walked over to her.
"You're gonna be okay. I promise you," Josh said and Maya nod.
"Just stay calm. There has to be another way out," Josh said as he looked up finding a whole in the ceiling.
"Ventilation. That's how we're getting out. Okay, let's see how we can do this," Josh said.


"Is she going to be okay?" Cory said as the paramedics loaded Riley into the ambulance.
"We're taking her to the hospital just to do a test on her lungs," he said as Riley started to wake up.

"Lucas," Riley said as he came up to her.
"Right here. You okay?" Lucas asked and Riley nod.
"Why don't you come with? Will help her stay calm," the paramedic said and they were gone.


Josh and Maya were grawling through the roof as Josh got to a point where he saw light.
Jamming open the lid he climbs out seeing it's the back of the school.
He sighs as they are safe while Maya climbs out.

"Let me help you," Josh said as he lifted Maya out.
"There you go. You okay?" Josh asked and Maya nod letting out a cough.
"Okay let's go," Josh said as they made their way to the front immediately catching Cory's attention.

"Are you guys okay? We were worried," Cory said.
"I'm okay. But Maya inhaled some smoke," Josh said.
"They just took Riley away. She passed out from the smoke but I just got a call from Lucas. She's now okay. They are waiting for some results but she is fine," Cory said.
"Miss, come with me. We need to get you on oxygen," the paramedic said as Maya went with him to the ambulance.

"It's a miracle that you found her," Cory said.
"No it's not a miracle. What it is, is me getting way to close to that girl. And I think I'm okay with it," Josh said smiling as he saw Maya.

He saw as the paramedic put a oxygen mask over her face as another woman threw a blanket over her shoulders.
He exhaled as he knew it could have turned out a lot worse if he didn't know where to go and look for the young girl.

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