Chapter 4

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Maya walks through the corridors as she found the ward she was looking for.
She smiles as she sees Riley sitting aside with Lucas at her bed before she went in.

"Hey," Maya said.
"Thank goodness you're okay. How..."
"Josh found me. Why are you still here?" Maya asked.
"Because she didn't faint because of smoke," Lucas said and Maya looked at the two.
"With my situation it's common to have iron problems which leads to fainting," Riley said and Maya remembered something she learned in health class.
"A pregnancy makes you develop a iron deficiency. Your pregnant?" Maya asked and Riley nod.
"Gosh, how far are you?" Maya asked.
"Wait how does she..."
"Told me this morning. How is your dad taking this?" Maya asked and Riley looked down.

Maya exhaled as she knew Cory had no idea that his daughter was pregnant.
She pinched her eyes to figure out what is going on as she didn't know what to do.
Her best friend was pregnant and now she possible had a whole other thing that she needed to do.

"You two are a disaster," Maya said.
"Thanks. Help me. What am I telling my father?" Riley asked and Maya shook her head.
"I don't..." Maya said as she started to cough.

"Are you okay? Sit down," Lucas said pulling a chair closer for Maya to sit on.
"I'm okay. It's just the smoke inhaling. I'll be fine in a second," Maya said as she tried to catch her breathe.
"What do you feel for Josh, Maya?" Riley asked and Maya exhaled.
"I don't think I have to answer that questions cause my answer is still the same," Maya said.

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