Chapter 98

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"This is insane," Maya said looking at the state of her and Josh's apartment.
"What is, Gorgeous?" Josh asked as Maya showed around her to all of the laundry and dirty bowls laying around.
"Okay, made your point. Let's see how we can clean it up then. And by we I mean me. Because you are basically 6 months pregnant. You hit six months last week so you need to calm down and relax. Sit down, watch a movie then I'll do this," Josh said as Maya sat down on the couch.

She smiled as she looked through an old photo book wondering what would be next for them.
Yes, she was past 6 months pregnant but she didn't know what was going to happen next with her nor the pregnancy.
Giving her history of being born at 7 and a half months it was crazy thinking that she would make it to 8 months and now she had to in a way go on with the rest of her life after birth and she wasn't even aware of what would happen after the birth.

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