Chapter 76

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Maya smiled as her boyfriend threw a DVD down on the counter as Lucas looked at him.

"What on earth is that?" Lucas said as he sat down next to Riley.
"Sound of music. It's a wonderful movie. It's about a woman who goes to a wealthy man with seven children and ends up falling in love with him but..." Josh said as Riley cleared her voice showing her boyfriend was already asleep.
"Put it in then we can watch it," Riley said as she threw a blanket over Lucas.
"Yeah, I got the popcorn so we can look at it," Maya said.
"Okay," Josh said as he put it in.

For those who don't know what the sound of music is about here is a quick trailer of it

Maya smiled as she hears the first song instantly looking over at Riley who had falling asleep with a glass of water in her hand.
She smiled as she instantly felt something cold and wet dripping realizing Riley had slightly tipped over her cup.
She quickly grabbed the cup as Josh looked over at her.

"I will get a rag," Josh said and Maya nod as Riley kicks off her cover accidentally kicking Maya.
"You okay?" Josh asked handing Maya the rag which she used to clean up the mess.
"I'm fine," Maya said as she put the cover over Riley.
"Gosh, how does either Lucas or Mckenzie sleep with Riley snoring like that?" Maya asked.
"Probably the same way Topanga slept when Cory did," Josh said.
"Probably," Maya said smiling seeing Riley kicked off her cover again.
"Goodness, don't know why I keep on doing this," Maya said.
"If you had a dollar for every time you had to put the cover back on her you would be a millionaire," Josh said.
"Probably," Maya said as she saw that Lucas had also no blanket on.

She rolled her eyes as she went to cover him up as he kicked her in her leg.

"What is it? Pick on Maya day," Maya said and Josh smiled.
"Sit down," Josh said as Maya had seen that Lucas had dropped his cup and the water was running down on her foot.
"Okay, now it is definitely pick on Maya day," Maya said as she walked past Riley as her best friend kicked her in her thigh.
"For goodness sake," Maya said as Josh pulled her to the other side.
"Sit down. You getting upset can't be good for you or Caleb. I'll make some tea. You two stop picking on my girlfriend," Josh said as he went to the kitchen and saw his niece woke up.
"Why do I neve rhage the cover on my body?" Riley asked and Joshaya shook their head as Riley looked at her watch.

"Luke wake up. We need to get Mac from your mom," Riley said.
"Lucas," Riley said as he woke up.
"I'm up!" Lucas said.
"We need to get Mac," Riley said.
"Let's go."

If you guys had not seen the schedule yet go to my board and look at it please.
It says what I update when so it will help you guys see.
See you next time.

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