Chapter 24

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Maya listened as her alarm went off knowing she wanted to sleep longer.
She exhales as she pushes it dead before she got up from bed.
She washed her face with ice cold water definitely waking her up.

"Jeez," Maya said as the water hit her face.

She quickly did a make-up look before she got dressed knowing she didn't want to look cute but just have clothes on her body.
She knew she had to get out the door since she woke up late so she rushed out of the door.

Maya's outfit

"You look like I feel," Riley said as Maya looked at her best friend

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"You look like I feel," Riley said as Maya looked at her best friend.

She was now fourteen weeks and with Thanksgiving around the corner everyone was glad it was a weekend off.
Maya smiled as she realized it was nothing like she thought it would be.
The second trimester definitely wasn't any easier than the first one and Maya thought for a second that she definitely did want to avoid a situation like that as a teen for as long as she could.

"Yeah, I stayed up late. Let's go to Health," Maya said.
"Why did you stay up late?" Riley asked.
"Ask Josh," Maya said as they sat down in a classroom which immediately went dark.

"Class today we are learning about the livers of the body," the teacher said.

Maya slowly but surely did start to doze off.
She had to stop herself today from falling over but that was hard.
She heard a hard sound and saw Riley was fast asleep on her desk and the teacher looked at the class.

"Miss Matthews," he said.

The sound woke Maya up and she was certainly not tired anymore but she didn't know what happened to her best friend.

"Sir, let me help," Maya said as she went down to Riley.
"Riles," Maya said shaking Riley up as she woke up immediately touching her head.
"Ow, why does my head hurt?" Riley asked
"You hit your head, Honey. Sarah, could you exchange seats with me so I can keep her wake if needed?" Maya asked as Sarah nod immediately going to Maya's seat.
"I'll keep you up. Go on, Sir," Maya said.

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