Chapter 18

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Maya looked at her best friend who was still asleep as she lightly shook her but of course she didn't wake up.
Shaking her head she saw Lucas and smiled.

"Honey, Lucas is here," Maya said as Riley woke up.
"Did Missy leave?" Lucas said.
"She likes Charlie so stop with that. We are trying to get them together and that may just be working," Maya said.
"That will be great then he can leave my girl alone. Let's get to the next class," Lucas said.
"I'll be right there," Maya said as she walked over to Missy.

"Missy, hey," Maya said.
"Maya, hi. She up?" Missy asked.
"Yeah. Listen do you maybe want to come over for a sleepover this weekend? At my place of course," Maya said.
"Of course. When?" Missy asked.
"I'll hive you more details later," Maya said and was off.


Maya got home and was very grateful she did make it back home.
Her day certainly did go from good to bad but she didn't know how to actually carry on.
She wanted that more than anything else but knew she couldn't do that.
She sat down on the couch as she took her hair out of the ponytail it was in as she heard a knock on the door.
She exhaled as she stood up going to answer it very shocked at who was there.

"Hi," Josh said and Maya sighed.
"Come in. What are you doing here?" Maya asked as she closed the door.
"You told me you don't want another Katy and Kermit thing. You compared our situation with your parents," Josh said and Maya went to sit down.
"Don't know of a more complicated situation. And ours is not even there yet and I want to run away so I have no idea how I'm going to cope," Maya said.
"I don't want to hurt you, Maya. And I never wanted to cause a situation that made you feel like we are living your parents situation. I never wanted that," Josh said and Maya exhaled a she sat down next to her.
"I know. But now I am in a situation like that which I don't know how to handle which is freaking me out," Maya said.
"I know," Josh said exhaling.
"What can I do to help you?" Josh asked and Maya shook her head.
"Nothing," Maya said as Josh lightly brushed a curl away out of her eyes.
"What are you doing?" Maya asked.
"What I should have done a long time ago," Josh said as he gave Maya a kiss.

The kiss was soft yet passionate at the same time.
Maya could get lost in it and never have to worry about anything else.
It was so powerful and she felt like she lost all control.
Josh pulled away and the two teens looked in each other's eyes.

"Would you go on a date with me? Then we can sort this out for once and for all," Josh said.
"Yes," Maya said.
"I'll pick you up from school tomorrow," Josh said placing a soft kiss on her lips before he went out of the apartment.


Maya instantly walked into the Matthews apartment seeing Riley asleep on Lucas.
Sbe though for sure it wasn't going to be very difficult for her to stay awake but it was getting harder and harder as time went on.

"She tired?" Maya asked and Lucas nod.
"Try to wake he rup, won't ya?" Lucas said.
"Riles, hey wake up. I have something to tell you," Maya said.
"Go away," Riley said.
"Josh asked me out," Maya said.
"Glad I didn't have good news," Maya said.

"I'm happy for you. Just make sure Josh knows he's gonna deal with me and the others if he hurts you," Lucas said.
"When are you guys finding out the gender?" Maya asked.
"Her birthday," Lucas said.
"I gotta go. Tell Riley I'll see her in the morning," Maya said and she was gone.

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