Chapter 12

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Maya barched into her bedroom as she threw her handbag on the floor trying to calm herself down.
She grabs her phone trying to call Riley but it didn't work.
She exhales as she puts it down on her nightstand and realized that nothing is the same anymore.
Everything's changed and she knows it.


Lucas carries Riley to her bedroom as he laid her down in her bed covering up her body before he went to the living room finding her parents there.

"Knocked out. It's a wonder that she isn't sleeping..." Lucas said as he noticed that Maya had called Riley.
"Did Maya call you guys?" Lucas said.
"Why?" Cory said.
"Cause she called Riley," Lucas said as he dialed Maya's number on his own phone.

Maya rushed to her phone hoping to see Riley's name but it wasn't.
She exhaled as she tried to stay calm before she answered the phone call.

"Hey, Huckleberry," Maya said and Lucas got a fright.
"Are you okay? Why do you sound so weird?" Lucas said as Maya cleared her throat.
"I'm fine," Maya said.
"Tell me what's wrong or I can send our teacher," Lucas said and Maya smiled.
"Nothing. Just tell Riley to call me in the morning," Maya said as she ended the call.

Another Wednesday, another day to look like an idiot, Maya thought.
She exhaled as she quickly tried to fix the fact that she didn't actually sleep a whole lot while she saw Lucas climbing through her window.

"Where is Riley?" Maya asked as she put her Science book in her backpack.
"Sleeping. Which you didn't do and clearly you've been crying. What is going on with you?" Lucas said and Maya lifted her shoulders.
"I'm a mess. A emotional mess that's all. Let's get to school," Maya said and they were gone.

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