Chapter 5

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Maya woke up at the Matthews house and was ready for the bomb to burst.
She knew Riley had to tell her father at some point but didn't know when she would tell him.
Maya exhales as she quickly slips on something warm before going to the living room.

There she found Riley sitting in the couch almost in tears as she saw that Cory didn't actually know what to say.
She saw as Topanga tried to get Auggie away from the mess as he saw her.

"Auggie go watch a movie on my computer. You know the password. Think you can watch Nemo," Maya said as he went into the hall way.
"What's going on?" Maya asked and Riley looked up at her.
"They know," Riley said and Maya exhales.
"Who is telling Josh?" Maya asked.
"I'm not worried over my uncle. Not now," Riley said.
"I'll tell him then. I anyway want to see him this afternoon. What did the doctor tell you? How far are you?" Maya asked.
"Ten weeks," Riley said.
"Keep easy and take your time. It's a big thing to process and there is more than enough time," Maya said.


Maya and Josh were sitting on the couch of his college dorm as neither were actually sure what to say.
Maya had never came to him for a visit neither did she think she ever would.
And for Josh...
Well he felt uncomfortable with the whole situation as it was.

"Your niece is expecting," Maya said and Josh shook his head.
"Good luck to my brother then," Josh said and Maya sighs quickly closing her eyes.

Josh looked at Maya who had shallow tears in her eyes.
He quickly got whatever idea about his niece out of his mind as he threw his arm on the pillow behind her head.

"What's the matter? You're crying or about to cry," Josh said and Maya smiled trying to get any negative thought out of her head.
"I'm just scared, that's all," Maya said.
"About Riley? Think that's my brother and Lucas's responsibility. Don't worry about that," Josh said wiping her tears away.
"Not about Riley," Maya said as Josh moved closer to her.
"About what then? What is bothering you?" Josh asked and Maya shook her head as she buried her face in Josh's chest.
"It's okay," Josh said exhaling not bothering to go further with questions.

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