Chapter 7

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Tzuyu's Pov

Same simple day. Working in the shop as usual. Woohyun oppa isn't home now. He's busy of work again.

I'm just checking some flowers that is displayed when the door open.

Ugh.. Here he is again

"You want to buy again, sir?" I ask, standing straight..

"No." He said making me confuse.

"I just want to see you."

What did he say? Just to see me? Is he crazy?

"Excuse me?"

"I want to see you."

"Why?" He look at me with his straight face.

I sigh not hearing his response.

"Well, you don't have to be here now."

Third Person's Pov

He smirks at her and walk closer to her.

"Yah.. stop it." She keeps walking backwards, raising her palms.

Jungkook didn't care about it and kept walking nearer to her. She hits on the counter. Jungkook trap her, resting his hand to the table.

"What do you want?" She ask him, pushing him slightly since his body is so close.

"Let's grab a lunch.."


She ended up, sitting across him in a restaurant. She was just force by Jungkook to grab a lunch. She couldn't do anything. He keeps bugging her and in the end, she just agreed.

She is slowly eating the food while Jungkook is enjoying the food. He was happy since she convince her to join him for lunch. He really wanted her to.

"Why are you doing this?" She ask, resting the spoon on the plate. Jungkook look up at her, making him stop eating.

"What do you mean?"

"You keep on coming to my shop. And now, having me in lunch. What are you trying to do?" She ask, crossing her arms as she eyed him.

"I don't need to answer that."

"You need to."

"I want to see you."

"What do you mean?"

"Forget that. Let's go." She sighs in defeat. She knows she can't do anything.

They both stood up and went back to the car. Thinking that he would take her back to the shop when she notice the direction of the car..

"Where are you taking me?"
He didn't answer her. He just keeps on driving.

"Jeon Jungkook.. where are you taking me?" This time, she has a demanding voice.

She had enough of him.

"Jungkook!!" She raised her voice, finally getting attention from the man..

"Take me back."

"I won't"

"Jungkook this is not what we plan. I agreed to have lunch with you, but I didn't agree to take me anyware." Madness is visible in her voice. Jungkook is not affected by that.

He was out of his mind. He wants to be with her all the time. Like all he wants is to see her.

He is obsessed. Jungkook is not that type of vampire but when it comes to her, she just wants her all by himself.

"Stop the car."

"I won't."

"Jungkook, please. I'm not your property that you can take everywhere." She is now pissed. Her eyes glaring at him. She doesn't know him. They just met in weeks but they look like a couple, fighting.

"Yes you are!!" Jungkook unexpectedly yell making her jump.

She didn't expect that to happen. She never seen him like this. She knows that she already met him for weeks now but he didn't even saw him yelling at her. She's became comfortable with him, getting use to him. She also expecting him everyday to her shop.

She is scared. She never had someone yelled at her before. Except if there's a certain reason. But this, it's confusing.
Jungkook never acted like this to her.

"What did you say?" She ask, confused. She wanna make sure if she heard him right.

"You're. My. Property." He emphasize every word.

He parks the car to the dark alley, hiding.

Tzuyu got the chance to escape. She immediately run her hand to the door, opening it but it was lock.

"Jungkook, you're insane." She said, still trying to open the locked door.

"Insane just for you, baby."

Tzuyu was even scared when she heard that. He is completely different. The Jungkook she knows is a cold and flirty one but, she knows that was just for fun, wasn't it?

Now, she saw a very different Jungkook.

"Please, just let me go" her voice is now low. She tried her best not to show her that she is afraid, but it didn't work at all.

Finally Jungkook saw her fear. His eyes change from a cold to soft stare. All those time, he's been trying to control his vampire side.

He slowly unlocks the door making a click sound. Tzuyu heard it and immediately went out of his car, leaving him. She was too scared to stay with him the she ended up, leaving him hanging.

In the other hand, Jungkook sunk all the scene that happen to his mind. He yelled at her. He made her scared. He freak her out..

He lean to his seat and close his eyes. He was mad at himself from doing that, that he started punching the steering wheel. The steering wheel is now broken from his first hit.

His obsessiveness took over him earlier that he didn't notice what he was doing...

'What have I done.' he thought.

Tzuyu ran from him. Her tears finally fall. She keeps wiping them but as she wipes it, another tear will follow.

She keeps on running going back to her apartment. The location the they stop was a little far. She stop running, catching her breath, holding a pole that is on the sidewalk. She bends her body and clench her chest to calm.

There's just a few people walking that made her easy to run that she didn't have time to breath.

She saw a cab on the street. She hailed it since she knew that the shop is minutes away. She came inside the cab, still in tears and told the driver the address.

She keeps breathing heavily.

She thinks of the scene earlier. What happened to him?


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