Chapter 27

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Third Person's Pov

Tzuyu woke up in the medical room. But she only saw Eunwoo, in the lab. No sign of Jungkook. She was curious since he will always there whenever this happened.

"Are you okay now?" Eunwoo ask when he came in of the room.

She nodded as respond and got up.

"Where's Jungkook?" She ask.

"He's at his office. Now that you already recovered, you can go now." He said making her smile.

She plan to go to him to check if he's okay. Suddenly, the door open. Her eyes squinted to the door, hoping that it's him who came in but in bad luck, it wasn't.

"How are you?" Yugyeom ask while walking closer to her.

"I'm good, thanks for asking."

Yugyeom smile knowing that she's already okay. He is also worried for her. In short, they treat her like a princess since she's the only girl that they are close with. That's why they've been so protective to her.

"Uhm... Can I go to Jungkook?" She ask in a low voice.

Yugyeom look at her. He still thinks that she needs to rest. But since it's her request, he nodded and help her stand from the bed.

"I'll take you to him." Yugyeom said.

They walk to the halls, going to Jungkook's office. He knows that Jungkook still isn't that calm since what happened to her. He was very worried. He knows that Jungkook wants to be alone by this time. But it's Tzuyu, he sure that he will calm once he see her, recovered.

Yugyeom open the door while Tzuyu follows behind him.

"Tzuyu wants to see you, Jungkook." He said when they enter.

They see Jungkook, standing by the window, holding a glass. He didn't even face them and just signaled Yugyeom to go out.

Yugyeom turn around and look at her.

"I'll leave you two." He said, smiling assuring her that's it's going to be okay. He went out of the room, leaving the two behind.

Tzuyu's eyes started to wonder around. He still not looking at her that makes her nervous. She started to think that he is ignoring her.

She bit her bottom lip, fidgeting her fingers while looking at them.

"Jungkook..." She tried to call his attention.

"Didn't I told you to stay in the room?" His voice are so cold. She never heard Jungkook like this.

He still didn't face her. She just lowered her head when she thought that she didn't follow what he said.

"I'm so--"

"Can't you get that inside your head!!"

She suddenly flinch when he yelled. He is now facing her. She is now scared because she never saw Jungkook this mad. And worst, his eyes are red.

She try to calm herself infront of him but her eyes didn't do the same. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Jungkook..." She whispers but he cut her off.

"Are you that stupid that you couldn't understand what I said!! Huh!!"

She keeps crying, lowering her head. Hearing those from Jungkook made her heart drop. It feels like it's been ripped apart from those hurtful words.

"I- i-i was just wo-worried"

After saying that, a chuckle escape drop his lips. It's not because of happiness, but it's more sinister. It's making her more scared to him.

"Worried your ass." He said quietly.

Suddenly, he throws the glass on the wall really hard behind her making her jump. The liquid splattered on the floor.

Is that blood?

She sob loudly as tears keep coming out from her eyes. She slowly look at him but he couldn't read him anymore.

He's not the Jungkook she knows. He's much scarier that she can tell that she doesn't know him. His soft side for her completely disappeared. The once Jungkook that she can control from transferring to a vampire. But now, she can't control him anymore.

She understands that he will get mad, but not like this. She expects that he will just scold her but it was worst than that. Her expectation was all false. It went overboard.

"I'm s-s-sorry."

He quickly run to her and look at her with his cold stares. She flinch when he was already infront of her. All of a sudden, he holds both of her shoulder making her flinch.

Her eyes are looking at him but still tears falling. His eyes didn't change, it's still red, saying that he is still mad.

"Didn't you think that something might happen to you!" 

His grip tighten to her shoulder. Her hands are on her chest. She started to shake because she's so scared that something might happen to her.

"P-please, l-let me g-go." Her voice is cracking.

She tried to beg for him to let go but it just making it tighter. She is hurt. Inside and out.

All of a sudden, the door open revealing a very panicked Woong and the boys are behind him.

"Jungkook!" They push Jungkook away from her.

Mingyu and B' catched Tzuyu who is about to fall from the impact while the others are trying to stop Jungkook.

"Let me go bastards!!" He tried to get off from their grip.

"For fucking sake Jungkook!! She just recovered from what happened!!" Eunwoo yelled while holding him.

Woong, Yugyeom, Eunwoo and Jaehyun keeps Jungkook away from the girl. He is strong so they need many arms to stop him.

Tzuyu in the other hand, finally cried while Bambam hugs her. Her sobs loudly making the boys look so sorry for her.

"Get her away from here." Mingyu told B'.

He still keeps her in his arms while they exited the room.

Jungkook on the other hand, finally realized what he did after he saw Tzuyu cried hard. Her loud sobs came to his ears making him loosen up.

He stops fighting the grips while seeing his baby leaving the room.

Anger ate him that made his attitude like that. He was mad since she didn't listen to him but he just wants to protect her. He didn't mean to get to that point. He couldn't control himself from getting mad. He was just worried that it came to time he hits madness.

Then, Eunwoo's words came to him.

"For fucking sake Jungkook!! She just recovered from what happened!!"

"What do you think you're doing, Jungkook! You scared her!"
Mingyu raise his voice at him.

"I shouldn't have brought her here if I know that this will happen." Yugyeom said, letting go of him so as the others.

He couldn't utter a word and keep staring at the floor. Now, he didn't know what to do. He scared her.

His eyes calm down and finally went back to it's normal color that is hazel brown. He fell down on his knees.

The boys are just staring at him, in disappointment. They didn't expect him to do this to her. Like him, they also worried about her.

What have I done?


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