Chapter 63

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Eversince he proposed, he's been very sweet to me. He's been a good father to Goobyeol. You can't even tell if he is a vampire. He's really a very nice man. I didn't even know why I fell in love with this vampire. It just happened.

I have more, having him and our daughter in my life. Although I am an orphan, they made me feel like a family. They are my family. There is nothing I want more.

I'm here with Goobyeol in the bathroom. She just woke up and I decided to take her to bath. She's really clumsy. She's always splashing water to me and she would giggle.

"Aishh... Baby Goobyeol the soap might come to your eyes if you keep doing that."

She is sitting on the large bath tub with a small amount of water in it. I took the soap and wash her body.

She calm down after I scolded her but I'm always talking to her which made her giggle.

I took the towel after I was done washing her. I dried her body and took her to the bed to get her clothes from the cabinet.

Jungkook is still out for a hunt. He left early in the morning. I already prepared the breakfast before Goobyeol could wake up.

I keep tickling her while I'm laying on the bed with my stomach with her under me. I took both of her hand and burried my face to her stomach making her laugh. I'm enjoying this. It's fun to make her happy.

She would show me her toothless smile but still showing her dimples.

I suddenly felt someone came inside the house. And that made me smile knowing who it was.

I carried Goobyeol to my arms.

"Daddy is here. Let's go eat breakfast."


"How's my baby Goobyeol!!"

Jungkook took her to my arms and raise her to the air making me chuckle. It's a good thing that he's not a clumsy eater now since he doesn't smell blood.

"Did I made you wait?"

"Not that long. It's okay. I had fun though."

I walk closer to him and hug him. Gosh, he is sweating.

"Go take a shower first before we eat."


He gave me Goobyeol and he made his way upstairs.


I am preparing for bed now. This house has two rooms so Goobyeol is sleeping in the other room. At first, I didn't want it because something might happen to her.

I am having a trouble sleeping. I just sleep almost midnight and will wake up 4 in the morning. Maybe this is one of the effect of having a vampire blood.

It feels like I'm not tired like before. I was weak that I could have died any moment because of my heart. And it's all different now. I feel so energetic. I feel stronger now.

Jungkook always accompany me in bed. He doesn't sleep but I want to hug him when I fall asleep.

I'm now laying on his chest while hugging him. He was the one who  made Goobyeol sleep. His arm is around me making it my pillow.


"Hmm? What is It?"

"What's gonna happen to Goobyeol?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she's half vampire. Isn't it hard for her? And me? I'm part vampire. What's gonna happen to me?"

I was very worried. But he made me calm by caressing my arms as I hug him tightly.

"Don't worry about our daughter. She's going to do just fine. I'm gonna guide her and help her to control it. And as for you...."

He peck my forehead that made me smile. His lips stayed for couple of seconds before he pulled away.

"You're gonna get use to it. I know you didn't want this to happen and I'm very sorry. Because of me, you're feeling this. You became a part vampire. Tzuyu I'm really sorry."

"Kookie, it's okay."

I leveled his face and peck his forehead and hold his cheeks.

"I'm not mad because you made me this. In fact, I'm really happy. Because of what you did, I get to see my daughter. I get to be with you for longer than I expected. So don't blame yourself, alright? It's not your fault."

I kiss him just to make him feel calm. He kiss me back with the equal amount of passion.

"I love you." He said between our kiss.

It became more intense as time goes by. But before something might happen, I pulled away making him frown and his brows furrowed.

"I want to sleep."

I can see disappointment in him and it made me somehow guilty. But he just understand and took me back to his arms until I fell asleep.


I woke up when the sunlight hits my face. I was a little surprise because I woke up 7 in the morning. And what's make me really surprise is, when my eyes landed beside me where Jungkook is laying and Goobyeol is sleeping on his body.

"Good morning."

Jungkook greeted me as I smile at him. He peck my lips and we both look at the baby, peacefully sleeping on his stomach.

"She woke up earlier so I brought her here. Then she fell asleep again."

I caress her back as I lay on Jungkook's arm. Her cheek is squeeze on his body making her look cute.

"Did you fed her?"

He nodded and we continue to admire her. To be honest, I can do this all day. This is the most beautiful sight to see. And the most beautiful feeling.

He also put his hand to her back that made his hand on top of mine as we rub her back softly.

Not long enough she flinch and we knew she already woke up. She move a little bit until her head look up to the both of us.

"Good morning baby" I greeted

She just landed her head again to his chest making us chuckle at her cute action.

"She's really cute." Jungkook comment

Indeed she is. Of course she got it from me. Who else? Jungkook is handsome but her cuteness does  match mine.

Maybe when she will grow up, she will be a beautiful girl.


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