Chapter 1- running away

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Octavia POV
I can't do this anymore. I'm 14 and have a week old son, I can't stay with 2 abusers. I pack a bag with about 10  baby outfits, a pack of wipes, as many diapers as I can fit, and the money I had saved up from working. I also pack my phone charger and laptop. I quickly change and check the time, it's midnight. Everyone else is asleep. I feed and change Oliver before putting him in his car seat. I grab my stuff and put shoes on not bothering to cover the bruises on my face.

Her outfit

I quietly open the door and sneak out of my house

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I quietly open the door and sneak out of my house. I run the two blocks to the nearest bus stop, afraid my mom or her husband will come after me. I get on a bus to Riverdale, the town where I grew up. I have as an uncle and cousin there that will help me hopefully.

After about 3 hours I get off the bus. I realize I'm on the border to the north and south side of town. Remembering that Jughead, my old best friend, lives on the south side I start walking towards his dads trailer. My mom never let me keep in touch from Riverdale so I don't have anyway to contact Jug or my cousin. I walk through the trailer par until I reach the familiar looking trailer. I use the flashlight on my phone to look at the mailbox and I was right, this trailer belongs to the Jones. I knock hoping Jughead will hear me. It's 3 am on a Wednesday. After about five minutes of knocking loudly Jughead opens the door looking pissed off. "What the hell do you- oh my god Octavia. What are you doing here. What happened to your face. Come inside it's freezing" Jughead rambles as I walk into his trailer. I don't think he's noticed Ollie yet. "How are you" Jug asks while hugging me. "We've been better" I say hinting at the fact that it's not just me. He looks confused and then fallows my gaze at the car seat in my hands. "Tell me everything" he says as we sit on the couch. So I started to explain what had happened in the last 6 years, from leaving Riverdale to my mom hitting me to finding out I was pregnant. "..... and then I left. I couldn't raise my son in an abusive home. I couldn't put him through what I went through." As though he knew we were talking about him Ollie started to cry. I pick him up and rock him in my arms. " so what's the little mans name?" Jug asks. "Oliver, but I usually call him Ollie. He's only a week old" I say smiling down at my baby boy, he was the only thing that kept me alive. "Want to hold him?" I turn to look at Jughead. " um I don't know I mean what if he doesn't like me" I laugh at his panicked look. " he'll love you. And anyway he needs to get used to being held by other people other than me only the nurses at the hospital have held him." Jug nods and carefully takes him out of my arms holding his head in one hand and leaning the rest of his body in his other arm. "See your a natural" we both laugh. Ollie starts to cry so I take him and change him. I start to nurse him as jughead walks back out into the living room with a t-shirt and pair of sweet pants for me. "Thanks" I say taking them and placing them next to me. "I'm going to sleep in my dads room you can sleep in mine" "ok. Wait we're is FP." I ask. "He's in jail he got arrested" "damn sorry" I say feeling bad that I brought it up.  He shrugs and kisses me on the head before walking into his dads room. I smile it's nice to have my best friend back. I finish feeding Ollie before putting back in his car seat. I don't like him sleeping in it but it's all I have until I have somewhere to live and a crib for him. I change into the clothes jughead left me and falling asleep. I wake up a few times to feed or change Ollie but I don't actually get up until almost noon. The trailer is quiet when I wake up and I realize Juggie probably had school. I pick up Ollie and walk out into the kitchen on the counter  next to a pot of coffee is a note.

I had to go to school but I should be back by 4:00. Here's my number (555)-555-5555. Call or text me if you need anything and don't worry I won't tell Archie that you're here.

I get my phone out and put the number in texting him so he has my number. I grab a cup of coffee and sit down on the couch. I feed Ollie and sip my coffee as I go through all my social media blocking my mom and stepdad on everything. I look at the time and it's alredy one o'clock.  I decide to get dressed I through on my jeans from yesterday and steal one of Jugheads black and white flannels. I change Ollie and get him dressed too. 
Ollies outfit

I don't do much for the rest of the day at quarter of 4 I get a text from Jughead saying he has to do something so he's going to be another hour

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I don't do much for the rest of the day at quarter of 4 I get a text from Jughead saying he has to do something so he's going to be another hour. I reply and then make a bunch of silly faces at Ollie. After about 20 minutes he gets fussy so I start to nurse him. Suddenly the door bursts open.

That's the end of the first chapter. I don't know if I'm going to be fallowing the exact plot line of the show, but if I do I'll try to make sure everything is in the right order. I may change some of what happens but I really don't know. This story is just an idea that popped inside my head before I fell asleep.

Word count: 1043

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