Chapter 5- the red circle

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Octavia POV
"O, I need your help with something we're going to the southside" Archie came into my room just as I was getting ready for bed. "Fine. Give me five minutes to get dressed." I say as he leaves. I throw on some jeans and a black zip up. We get in the truck and drive to the southside we stop at the side of a store and get out. I grab Ollie out of his car seat and put him in a baby wrap so he's laying on my chest. I zip my sweatshirt up over him and put my hood on. Archie takes a can of spray paint out and starts spraying a huge red circle. "Archie what the hell are you doing. I did not agree to be your look out while you tagged the southside." He didn't listen to me so I look behind us and of course there are two figures walking towards. "Hey what do you think you're doing?" The taller of the two yelled. "Archie lets go home" he ignored me. "Back off this message isn't for you" he says to the serpent. "Then who's this message for? Aw hell don't tell me it's for the black hood. And people say we're the trouble makers" The serpent says pushing Archie they had both noticed me but neither had said or done anything to me. Archie grabs my hand and tries to pull past them only to get pushed back by the tall one. This cause me to stumble and almost fall but the shorter serpent grabs my shoulders and steadies me. I'm glad he did cause if I fell forward I would have landed on Oliver. I don't know if they can tell I have a kid cause it's dark and my sweatshirt is kind of hiding him. "Southside serpent country. You can't come hear and tag our turf." The tall one says. "So why don't you take your friend and get your ass back to the northside" Archie being the idiot he is says "get out of my or someone will get hurt" the serpents pulled out switch blades "you just made a big mistake" I take a step back as Archie reaches into his pocket "who made a mistake? WHO MADE A MISTAKE?" He yelled pulling out a gun and pointing it in their faces. They ran. "YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS. Where the hell did you get a gun? Do you have a death wish you psycho?" I scream at my cousin. I walked back over to the car putting my now awake and upset baby in his car seat and slamming the door choosing to sit with my son instead of Archie. The car ride home was silent as soon as we pulled up to the drive way I stormed into the house and put Oliver to sleep. I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from Toni.

Two northsiders just pulled a gun on a couple of serpents.

Octavia 🖤👶🏻
Yeah that would be me and my cousin. Trust me I had no idea he was tagging the southside or that he had a gun.

Toni 💚🐍
Does your cousin have a death wish.

Apparently. I mean his dad was shot but he's acting like a psychopath.

Toni 💚🐍
Yeah, well I'll talk to you later. Gn 💤😘

Octavia 🖤👶🏻
Night 😘😴

I put down my phone and drift of to sleep.

Sweet Pea POV
Me and Fangs run after Andrews pulls a gun on us. We can hear the girl that was with him scream her head off. It would've been hilarious if I hadn't almost died. I knew we were gonna get revenge I just didn't know how. I get a buddy to give me Andrews address and we make a plan.

Octavia POV
I go to school the next and Archie gets his locker searched and for some god forsaken reason he has a black hood in there. He gets suspended so I end up having Ronnie drop me off at home. She ends up staying to talk with him. I'm up in my room when I hear a bunch of voices so I pick up Ollie and head downstairs. Reggie and the rest of the red circle had brought pizza. I was still mad at them so I didn't talk to them I just sat there eating pizza while Oliver was in the rocker. Some one knocks on the door and I open it up. I'm meet with the  tall serpent from yesterday and a bunch of other young serpents behind him.

Sweet Pea POV
A girl opens the door she has dark brown hair and a nose ring.  She's wearing black leggings and an oversized flannel.

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