Chapter 23- season 3

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Octavia POV
It's the last Friday of summer, school starts on Tuesday and once again I'm sitting in a court room. That's what I have been doing a lot this summer working at pops with Veronica or sitting in on Archie's trial for the murder he didn't commit. One of the lawyers that was against Archie started listing all of the violent things he has done. Starting the red and dark circles, beating up Nick St.Claire while he had two broken legs, pointing a gun in Sweet Pea's head. The lawyer sits down and my aunt stands up. "Ladies and gentlemen, we know for a fact that Archie Andrews constantly puts the needs of others ahead of his own. We know he helped solve the murder of Jason Blossom. We know that he offered both friends and enemies shelter. We know that he punched through a river of ice to save the life of his classmate Cheryl Blossom. We know that he protected his cousin when she needed it most. Let me remind you that there were no witnesses of the actual killing. There was no murder weapon and there was no motive. At the end of the day all the prosecution has is cloudy testimony from unreliable people. It is my solemn duty as a mother to protect my son. But as an attorney it's my duty to adhere to the facts, to the evidence. There is nothing here that proves Archie Andrews is anything less than an innocent boy. Thank you." She says. Next they called me up to testify on Archie's behalf. "Now you are the cousin of Mr. Andrews correct?" The attorney against Archie asks "Yes sir" I say. "And you and your 11 month old son live with him and his father, correct?" "Yes sir" I answer again. "And how old was your son when you first moved in with them?" He asks. "Barely a week old sir" I answer. "And why did you move in with your uncle and cousin?" They asked. "I ran away sir" I answer. "Why did you run away, Ms. Andrews" I bite my tongue not wanting to say something I will regret. "No offense sir, but I don't understand how my running away has anything to do with a murder that did not happen until months later" I say in a cold voice. "Answer the question" the judge interrupts. "I was being abused, it was an unsafe environment to raise a newborn in. So I left to the only place I had any family" I say clenching my fists. "Do you trust your cousin with your son?" He asks "of course I do. I would not be living with him if I did not completely trust him with my child." I tell them. "And did your cousin ever show any violent behavior towards your son?" "No Archie is great with Ollie, he offers to babysit and he never once complained about being woken up in the middle of the night by the crying or not being able to watch a loud movie or have friends over because Oliver was sleeping. I trust Archie with my sons life" I answer completely honest. The judge says that they will come back for another court session on Monday.

I find Archie sitting alone on the steps. "Hi" I say sitting down next to him. "I don't want to go to jail I'm gonna miss my last two years of high school. I'm going to miss Ollie's first steps and his first birthday" Archie admits. "Hey it's gonna be ok" I say leaning my head on his shoulder as he hugs me. We just sit there in silence for a few minutes "Archie, there you are" Veronica says as she, Betty, and Jughead walk up the stairs. I get up and go to find Sweet Pea and Ollie. "Hi baby" I say taking him from Pea, he babbles in baby talk making random sounds that aren't even close to actual words. "You're very chatty today huh" I tickle his stomach. I talk to Sweet Pea for a minute until everyone else gets ready to leave. "Hey Archie" Hiram Lodge says as we walk by, we all turn to face him. "Have a great weekend" he says with a smirk. Uncle Fred punches him.

"Hey Octavia" I look and see Toni outside of Sweets trailer. "Cheryl and I are having an end of summer pool party and you two are invited" she says with a smile. "Ok we will be there" I say before Sweet Pea can answer. "Great see you tomorrow" she says hugging me before walking off. "Don't you want to spend the weekend with Archie?" Sweets asks me. "Yeah but Archie is most likely going to be there" I say as we get ready for bed. I put Ollie in the pack n play that used to be at Jughead's but is now in Sweet Pea's living room. Over the summer I have been staying here a lot.

I wake up and roll back over into Sweet Pea's chest. I'm about to fall back asleep when I hear a cry from the living room. I get up and pick up Ollie, who was standing up in the pack n play. "Hi buddy, do you want to wake dada up" I ask him. I place him on Sweet Pea's chest and he starts to yell in his ear. "What" Pea says as he wakes up with a start. I'm laughing my ass off as he looks around confused. "Not funny" he says slightly annoyed "oh but it was" I say finally calming down. "Your mom can be so mean sometimes" he says picking up Ollie, who just giggles not understanding what he said. "Come on we have to get ready for the pool party" I say to him as I get up and put on a black high waisted bikini. Surprisingly out of the 28 stab wounds not one of them left a scar. I put jean shorts and one of Pea's shirts on over my swimsuit. I feed Ollie his baby food before changing him into a plain blue onesie. Sweet Pea gets dressed and we walk over to my house.

"Hey aunt Mary could you watch Ollie today while we go to the pool party" I ask setting him down on the ground

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"Hey aunt Mary could you watch Ollie today while we go to the pool party" I ask setting him down on the ground. "Of course I will he's such a sweetheart" she agrees. "Hey O you might wanna see this" Archie says from the door way. "See what" I say turning to him. Ollie had pulled himself into a standing position and started walking towards Archie. "Oh my gosh he's walking" my aunt says. He makes it to Archie before loosing his balance and falling on his butt. I walk over and pick him up "your walking now, next thing I now your gonna be going off to college" I say to him. We head over to Cheryl's for the pool party.

The pool party is pretty much uneventful. I catch up with Toni and Josie is flirting with Sweet Pea again. She's been flirting with him all summer and it's annoying the hell out of me. I walk over there right as Sweets pushes her away. "Hey McCoy stop trying to kiss my boyfriend" I say. "He shouldn't be with someone like you who is baby trapping him" she says. "Um one baby trapping is when you get pregnant on purpose without telling someone so they will stay with you and two if Sweet Pea wanted out all he would have to do is tell me" I say grabbing Pea's arm and pulling him away. I walk over to Archie and study the tattoo on his shoulder "Archie Andrews with a serpent tattoo, never thought I'd see that" I say to him. "Jughead I was spying on the ghoulies like you told me too and those bastards have hotdog" Fangs says running towards us. I help them make a plan to get him back but tell them that I'm not going because I don't want to see my mother and she is most likely going to be there.

The day before Archie's trial him, me, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead spent the day at Sweet water swimming hole like when we were kids. We were able to forget about our problems for today, but now it's Monday and we have to face the music. Today is the day we find out if Archie will be there for Ollies first birthday in a week or if he will be spending it in a jail cell.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge asks. A man stands up "your honor, we haven't it's dead lock 6-6 and that isn't going to change" he says before sitting back down. "So be it. The jury is dismissed thank you for your service" the judge says as the jury gets up and leaves. "Your honor we are willing to offer a deal a lesser sentence if Mr. Andrews pleads guilty for manslaughter" one of the lawyers suggests. "Your honor" aunt Mary starts. "I'll take the deal" Archie says standing up. "No" everyone in the crowd says. Aunt Mary tries to get him to not accept it but he won't listen. "Son just so I understand this you are ignoring the advice of your attorney your own mother" the judge asks Archie. "Yes your honor, I'm guilty" Archie says. Cops come and arrest Archie while Veronica sobs into Betty. I just stare at the scene before me "are you ok?" Sweet Pea asks me. "No" I say burying my head into his chest "I've got you" he says hugging me.

Word count: 1619

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